Top virologist not Drosten: “Go into Clubs, not parties”

Nationwide, school failures, according to Top virologists Drosten an “effective measure”. But only if the students now hold at some rules – of social contacts shutdown events to avoid. “Remain at home”, calls for Drosten.

Now it is a done deal: Whether the rapid spread of the Corona Virus is declared to be the first lander on Friday morning to close all schools and day-care centres from Monday until the end of the Easter holidays.

The virologist Alexander Kekulé feels that this measure is “absolutely no alternative”, as he explained on Friday in the ZDF-“morning magazine”.

Christian Drosten, Director of the Institute for Virology at the Charité hospital in Berlin, expressed in NDR-Corona-Podcast, however, still have concerns. Because especially in the case of closures of day-care centres and primary schools “a great result, damage could occur”.

Kekulé argued that each infected child is contagious, statistically speaking, two to three other children. This would trigger an “infection avalanche”, which is just hard to stop.

“We all want the infection wave flattens, and in the length pulls. We do not want to harm but the work force in the country,“ said Drosten.

Day – care centre and school failures: Drosten feared massive problems for parents

Many parents affected by the closures and could not go to work; the acting is even stronger in the area of kindergartens and day-care centres. A distinction between the school and the daycare center was, therefore, appropriate, Drosten said. “You really have to say, especially in the case of the older vintages, after primary school, because maybe it is really so that parents can better organize that which must not remain, therefore, all at home.”

More useful, according to him, therefore, to close the schools of a certain Vintage, and to search for in the intensive care area to the other options, “because otherwise many areas of working life, especially in the medicine to break down.”

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Especially among the medical staff, many young parents would face massive problems were on them you had to rely urgently.

Drosten feared compared to the NDR: “If the kindergarten is eliminated care who can not go to work. Since we have a large a result of damage can be done if we were just so close from today to tomorrow day care centers – without any additional provisions, or without further measures“. At the Charité, there were already Considerations to expand this to a day-care centre.

Drosten: “don’t Go to Clubs, not to parties”

Nevertheless, in spite of school closures in combination with an event to stop according to Drosten, in fact, extremely efficient measures, especially if you think you have more than four week. Young people should be in each case carefully; Drosten appeals: “Meet you in the small circle and looks at you for a series. Not in Clubs, not on parties.“

The time until Easter to make use of and to the policy to ask, in what direction, these measures wanted to go, said Drosten, depending on the development of the pandemic wave.

There are questions such as: “Where are we now? Where do we stand? It is now so bad that we say without thinking twice about, that we extend what we have now, school closure, and so on, in any case, three weeks? It may be that we are in this Situation. Or it could also be that we then say: Well, up until now it’s actually gone quite well.“

Top virologist Kekulé criticized policy

However, Kekulé, on Friday criticized: “The policy is lagging behind here, unfortunately, since weeks of development.” The reported Numbers of cases of AIDS would be only one of ten days. Reason, the incubation time of the Virus Sars-CoV-2 on the one hand, as well as the time pass away until the diagnosis on the other hand, was.

Therefore, he called for “proactive Action” of the controller. As an example, he cites the special leave of up to ten days per year, the parents can take if your child is sick. The Federal government should make it clear that parents could take the leave for quarantine.

As long as the Coronavirus on surfaces and in the air survived

KameraOne So long survived the Coronavirus on surfaces and in the air