The most dangerous dance

I think dancing is easier than to seriously engage in sports? Wrong. With some types of dances, as it turned out, linked the unusually high risk of injury.

Experts from the University of Coventry (UK) urged with extreme caution to learn fashion today dance fitness program. Such programmes often include the popular in Latin America, rhythms and movement, and their implementation, according to new data, may cause different injuries.

In particular, the most dangerous and traumatic form of dance researchers found Zumba – dance direction, which is characterized by a combination of slow and fast rhythms of the fiery Latin music. Experts estimate that thousands of hours of Zumba have about four cases of injuries, which is the highest injury rate among all the dances.

“After Zumba for traumatic is aerobics. A thousand hours of aerobics for approximately three injuries. Further – flamenco: a thousand hours of study have fifteen injuries”, – said the authors of the project.
The most secure in their view are ballroom dancing and salsa during these dances, the load on the heart and arteries is distributed most evenly, which promotes good blood flow and normalize blood pressure, development of muscles and joints.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that dance classes have a positive effect on the brain and make people more intelligent.