The disease herpes: myths and facts

The contents

Myth 1. Herpes — nonsense, a few days later he goes

Myth 2. I herpes bypassed — never on the lips no blisters or pimples

Myth 3. If in my family someone has a cold, I wear a gauze bandage so the herpes is not terrible to me

Myth 4. Why you need to treat herpes, if he goes there himself?

Everyone knows the fever on the lips or around the nose, and sometimes nose, always declared inappropriate. These fastidious pimples (or rather, bubbles) as if in mockery strive to jump in at the most inopportune moment. So few people realize that this “cold”, and where it comes from, the important thing is to quickly apply all known methods of expulsion of the fever. Meanwhile the herpes viruslives in each of us and at any moment can affect not just one person, but several. Magicforum found out all about this disease.

Myth 1. Herpes — nonsense, a few days later he goes

Unfortunately, the herpes virus does not go unnoticed, or rather, he does not disappear from the body completely, like a virus, common colds. People infected with herpes does not get rid of it. Never. Going to be inactive, he’s not bothering the person, but from time to time if you feel unwell or if adverse conditions (stress, overwork, bad ecology, supercooling) starts to multiply rapidly, causing certain symptoms.

Statistics is that 95% of the world population carry the herpes simplex virus, but only 20% of them are really sick, they have virus in the body active. Herpes of the 1st type (fever) is actually not as harmless under the mask of a cold, there is a very serious pathogen. The most insidious of its property, like any other herpes virus gradually destroy the immune system. Also, this virus can infect the mucous membrane not only of the lips, but around the mouth, accompanied by a rise of temperature, pain ulcers, unpleasant odor, bleeding gums. He can go to the genitals, causing genital herpes is a very unpleasant and prolonged illness. Cunning virus sometimes so good “hiding” in the body of his master, that person becomes a carrier himself without knowing it. He seems to be healthy, nothing bothers, but to infect another it can easily. Very dangerous and ophthalmic herpes. To treat it is necessary, because neglected disease can lead not only to poor vision and blindness. Not easy turns out to be herpes simplex. Scientists have discovered its Association with some human cancers: cancer of the uterus in women and prostate cancer in men.

Myth 2. I herpes bypassed — never on the lips no blisters or pimples

And let me know: have you had chickenpox or the chickenpox?You will be surprised to know all the ins and outs of this disease. After recovery, the virus – varicella zoster – does not disappear completely, and “hides” in nerve cells. There he retained throughout a person’s life.

While in the host organism are all well, this “invisible” not seen and not heard, but is seriously reduced immune defense in the body – he’s there. The virus begins to multiply, spreading through the nerve and causing the disease called “shingles”.

Myth 3. If in my family someone has a cold, I wear a gauze bandage so the herpes is not terrible to me

Herpescan be called a champion of “jumping” from one person to another. First it moves through the air (airborne path), and then by direct contact people – the kisses, the handshakes from the skin to the skin. Of course, outside the human body the virus does not live so long, the temperature is only 50 degrees Celsius devastating for him. And yet… On metal objects: coins, door handles and water taps he lives 2 hours, the plastic and the wood is 3 hours.

For wet tissue, towel, handkerchief, napkin – to b hours. It turns out, grabbed the door handle at the entrance to the office and pressed the Elevator button, turned the handle of the faucet of the sink – Hello, virus. Pulled out the coin purse again, he asked for a pen from a colleague to do something – as the saying goes, see point “a”. Even viruses can be transmitted through sexual contact, blood transfusion and organ transplantation from a donor, and from mother herpes infected unborn babies.

Myth 4. Why you need to treat herpes, if he goes there himself?

The fact of the matter is that there is – he’s hiding. Just have a person disappear unpleasant symptoms. To treat herpes virus infection is really very difficult, and despite a wide variety of drugs, until now there is no treatment that completely rid the body of these parasites. But need to be treated, especially herpetic neuroinfections, they affect the nervous system, genital herpes, ophthalmic herpes, acute herpetic stomatitis, it is often in children in the first 3 years of life. Herpes is very dangerous for babies – it affects their internal organs, nervous system, eyes. Herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr may contribute to the progression of HIV infection.

And recent research shows participation of herpes viruses in development of some malignant tumors. Cytomegalovirus infection is very similar to the normal SARS: runny nose, fever, malaise, and weakness. Therefore, infected, person does not even know about it, CMV is relatively little contagious – for transmission we need a very close and prolonged contact. But Epstein-Barr “has a” most of the adult population. Already by 5 years of age, almost half of children are suffering from this infection, which is, as a rule, their parents may not be aware. The reason is the same – in the mild form this disease is very similar to SARS. However, if the virus Epstein – Barr is gaining momentum, doctors diagnose either infectious mononucleosis or chronic fatigue syndrome. In this case you need serious treatment from a specialist.

What should I do? Do not panic. Become a recluse, hiding his hands behind his back, refusing handshakes, of course, is not necessary. If the time to contact a specialist, the suffering will not last long be – experienced doctor will drive “lion in a cage”. Well, if the family appeared infected, be sure to inspect all the relatives, including children. Still the rule is: if your hands are not clean, once again, do not touch them to the eyes. Casual intimate partners is also not a healthy way, especially because outwardly they can look perfectly healthy. And of course don’t forget about strengthening the immune system — the main “guardian of health”.

Previously, scientists said that herpes can worsen memory.