The health of the lungs depends on many key indicators of well-being of the whole person. French doctors called best foods for healthy lungs.
Of course, the best thing you can do for your lungsis to stop Smoking and contact with various harmful substances like asbestos. But food is also of great importance. For example, apples are rich sources of antioxidants and phytochemicals like catechin, chlorogenic acid and phloridzin that help to reduce the risk of inflammation, cardiovascular disease and asthma. To preserve the health of the lungs is recommended to use at least one Apple a day.
Garlic is known for its many beneficial properties, it is the main phytonutrient allicin. Garlic lowers blood pressure, inhibits germs and even protect against cancer. Chinese scientists have found that eating garlic has a positive effect on patients with lung cancer and other diseases of these organs. To protect the lungs from infections and diseases is recommended to use two or three cloves of garlic daily in salads and as seasonings.
Apricots are considered a powerful tool for protecting the lungs, and in addition, it is still very delicious. The researchers found that apricots are an excellent source of vitamins C and E, lycopene and beta-carotene. All of these components are antioxidants, overwhelming harmful effects of free radicals.
Be sure to include in your diet grapefruit is a great source of vitamins C, B6, thiamine, folic acid and magnesium. Grapefruit also has anti-inflammatory activity. Use at least half of the fruit for Breakfast will help to ensure the removal of toxins from the body and reduce inflammation of the respiratory system.
Closes our rating ginger is one of the best home remedies for colds and sore throats. Scientists believe that the information contained in ginger is gingerol is the major bioactive component responsible for the prevention of migraines, asthma, colds and hypertension. (READ MORE)