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What to do if you have scoliosis?
Sport in scoliosis
How to beat scoliosis
Some doctors believe scoliosisis not a disease, but a specific feature of the skeleton. But to call “individual characteristic” hunched back, from which in different directions and at different levels of the blade stick out? Trouble and only. Scoliosis spoil the figure! Nothing can ruin the impression of the woman as slouch! But all this is fixable. It would wish. Magicforum figured out what to do to get rid of scoliosis.
What to do if you have scoliosis?
In severe cases, recommend corrective corset and operation. But we hope that you were not able to bring themselves to such a state. The most common problem associated with back – bad posture. Here and talk about this in more detail.
Perfectly smooth back can be seen only in textbooks of anatomy. But in practice each person has one leg a little bit, but shorter than the other. And as a result, the center of gravity at least a little, but shifted in a certain direction. Hence the disproportion of the skeleton. And all anything, if not a variety of provocative factors, leading to a marked curvature of the spine. By the way, scoliosis is not only a back curve, is a violation of some vital organs.
So, what to do to prevent problems?
If your child is 5-6 years, it is not necessary to lean on the “early development”. Because most of the intellectual classes is sitting. Whispers suggest: do not rush to the school least 6.5 years. Nothing contributes to development of scoliosis, early planting at the Desk! Because the skeleton has not yet had time to form, and the sitting position only reinforces poor posture.
But if the kid goes to school at six o’clock sharp, apply preventive measures. Every night you should do gymnastics for the back. The most effective exercises – a variety of visy on “the wall” and “kitty”. By the way, this also applies to adolescents and adults.
It’s not so much an incorrect position of the back when sitting, as in the absence of adequate physical activity. The most common cause of scoliosis – physical inactivity, i.e. lack of movement. Believe me, a morning or evening jog neutralizes the effect of eight-hour working day at a computer.
To scoliosisoften lead to illness – arthritis, rickets, flat feet, impaired metabolism. The list is long. However, all scoliosis are treated, regardless of their causes, exercise.
By the way, do not trust the myth that scoliosis leads to a soft bed and a high pillow. Does not, and exacerbates existing problems. And if you lead an active lifestyle, you have great posture, sleep on your health as you wish. But if the slouch visible to the naked eye, sleep better on a hard surface. At least on an orthopedic mattress.
Sport in scoliosis
A lot of people lead a sedentary lifestylefrom morning until night sits in the offices and behind the wheel at the weekend did not get off the couch, while on vacation leaves of sun loungers. And at the same time has excellent posture! Each of us from school could hear: “don’t slouch, straighten up!”. But who and grew up with a curved spine, and who learned to sit straight. Blame the mother genetics. According to statistics, about half of the population of the planet has an innate tendency to scoliosis, and some hereditary scoliotic skeleton.
The second half of humanity slouches as the soul. Still doctors argue whether scoliosis causes depression, whether depression triggers the scoliosis. Because each of us have probably noticed: it is necessary to feel on seventh heaven as his back straightened automatically. And the legs themselves are above the earth, and everywhere you hear: what gait! In the West, for the treatment of scoliosis often used psychotherapy. And for the correction of neuroses recommend the back massage. Everything is interconnected! So, if nature has given you an imperfect shape, to smile. It will not hurt.
But do not forget about the more traditional ways of correction of the skeleton.
The scoliosis is treated in three stages: effects on the spinal curvature, correcting your posture and fixing the correct position. And if the first two goals to achieve is fairly easy to fix a correct posture is a time – consuming process. Because the muscles used! Now the most effective tool I consider manual therapy and massage. The only “but” procedures should be performed only by highly trained specialists. Tampering with a curved spine can only hurt. So you should select not so much a set of exercises, how much the doctor’s hands. And if they trust, they will certainly help.
In addition, the podiatrist will select for you an individual set of physical therapy will prescribe thisprocedure.
Each case of scoliosis is unique. However, there are universal tips.
How to beat scoliosis
1. Sign up in the pool! Nothing is so beneficial does not affect the back, like swimming. During class strengthens the entire muscular system and posture is improving itself.
2. The dispensary Evminova or a regular wall – the essential things in the house. Don’t know what exercises need? You can just hang on the hands and pulling back.
3. Sitting can not be avoided, but it is harmful to back can be reduced to a minimum. First, try as often as possible to get up. Second, periodically, do some simple exercises: leaning on the arms of the chair operativitate from foot to foot, changing the emphasis. When sitting, periodically press the lumbar spine and the head in the back of the working chair.
4. Don’t take the subway! Do not sit in the bus! The desire to sit down – a subjective sensation, to stand up for the back – much more useful.
5. Wean heavy to carry in one hand.
6. Accomplish correction of flatfoot, if you have it. Do not give up on the special insoles.
7. From time to time and we can hang out on the bar, the rotten back.
8. Imagine that you hung by the thread that pulls up. The thread attached to the top of your head (only the head bully is not necessary). The lead is very smooth. Here and go.
9. Try to give exercises for my back for 15 minutes morning and evening.
Practice shows that already after two weeks of active physical therapy posture is improved so that it is noticed by outsiders. The usual body position changes on a physiological, low back pain is almost not worries disappear associated with scoliosis migraines, blurred manifestations of vascular dystonia (you don’t have to drink so much coffee!), decreases body fat. And all this for two weeks!
Have a paradox: we all know how good it is, but few people can begin to act. Laziness? And how! Lack of time? Of course! However, the main cause of scoliosis remains a distrust of therapy. Like, all my life I live with it, do a few trips to the pool can make a change? Can. Change. The back is smooth. Feel better. And the mood does not drop below the mark “good”.
Previously, experts told what to do with poorly growing hair.