Even the safest plastics can be harmful to health. The study showed that seemingly do not pose a risk of the chemical that replaced bisphenol a, still carry the same threat in terms of fertility and cancer.
In the last two decades science has received convincing evidence that articles of plastic are dangerous to health. Quite often they contain a chemical called bisphenol a, which is a violator of the hormonal system. It is proved that due to the impact of bisphenol A in humans can cause problems with fertility, they have also increases the risk of tumors. Previously, bisphenol-a was used extensively in children’s toys, medical devices and packaging for food products. After receiving new data, this ingredient was massively excluded from the production chain.
The ban has forced manufacturers of products from plastic to find a replacement, which turned out to be bisphenol-S. However, the same scientist who established the danger of bisphenol-A in 1999, conducted a new study and stated that it was struck by “a sense of deja vu”. It turned out that seemingly safe substitute carries the same threat to health in terms of fertility and cancer.
Patricia hunt from the us Case Western Reserve University argues that consumers should be guided by one rule: no matter what the chemicals listed on the package. Any plastic products with signs of physical damage or just plain old can’t be considered safe. Magicforum recalls that BPA can be released into food or water, contained inside the containers, then enter the body and negatively vlijaet on our health. (READ MORE)