Reluctance to get out of bed in the morning called disease

Some people with great difficulty in the morning, rising from bed, suffering from a serious medical disorder. And the sooner they are diagnosed the better.

Winter Wake-up early in the morning is particularly heavy and unpleasant due to the fact that the window is still dark. Some of us is extremely difficult to get out of bed. But in certain cases it is not about laziness, but about the medical disorder called disana – the so-called condition in which a person with great difficulty gets up in the morning. For many of us the process of morning awakening in the early hours does not cause any joy, but the sacrifice of disney faced with what to spend in bed for several days, and the thought of having to get up causes them anxiety disorders.

In this case, it is important to see a physician because of disani is often a manifestation of some deeper disorder like fibromyalgia, depression or chronic fatigue syndrome. Note that in medicine disney do not recognize, but her victim is absolutely convinced that the disorder is very real. At the sound of the alarm clock in the morning some patients panic, they are frightened of the idea of having to get out of bed. In addition, these people often need far more doctors recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. They can’t get up, even if you have commitments to meetings with any person outside the apartment.

Although doctors do not recognize disney, they often provide recommendations for the normalization of sleep. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time, the bedroom should be a comfortable temperature, adequate lighting and noise levels. Sleeping with Pets is not recommended. You need to purchase a comfortable mattress, exercise regularly for getting rid of stress, limit intake of coffee to milk and herbal tea, not to overdo it with alcohol, not Smoking, taking a warm bath before bedtime, listen to relaxing music or practice yoga. (READ MORE)