Reduced anxiety: a Comic on the surgery to prepare?

Comic can help patients respond better to SURGERY prepare

Every year, the surgery in German hospitals and millions of patients. Before the SURGERY, you need to be fully informed about the planned procedure. Can help a Comic, as German researchers now report. The story in pictures increases the understanding and reduces the anxiety of patients.

Rather overwhelmed as well-informed

In Germany, every year surgery millions of people in hospitals. Before the procedure, you need to be fully informed about the planned OP. However, many patients do not understand their doctor because of the Chinese language, or you feel due to the complexity of the content rather overwhelmed as well-informed. Researchers have now been able to show that a Comic can help. The story in pictures increases the understanding and reduces anxiety of patients.

Before surgery, patients must be over the planned intervention been elucidated. Can help a Comic. (Picture: Kzenon/

Fear of operations

It is not so rare that people react fearfully when medical treatments are pending.

Both children and adults can lawn, then physical symptoms such as trembling hands and legs, Nausea, sweating, heart palpitations or a panic attack.

Before all pending operations are unsettling for many patients. In the ideal case, you can be scared by a educational call prior to the procedure. In some cases, this can help a Comic.

Pictorial representation will help in the elucidation

In a communication from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin explains, is to support the medical education of patients in self-determined decision for or against a treatment.

It will be explained the procedure exactly. It also talked about the medical Benefits and potential risks.

In people with coronary heart disease has been shown, for example, that you can’t grasp the basic principle of a upcoming cardiac catheterization, in spite of education, often completely, and thus the Use of this measure, a false assessment.

“According to the principle of ‘a picture is worth A thousand words, we wanted to make it easier for these patients by using an image representation, the understanding of the education content,” said Dr. Verena Stangl of the Department of medicine with focus on cardiology and angiology at the Campus Charité Mitte.

Together with colleague, Dr. Anna Brand, she directed the study, which was published recently in the journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”.

The most common procedure in cardiology

The two Physicians developed a 15-page Comic that illustrates the most common intervention in cardiology: heart catheter examination and, if appropriate, subsequent Implantation of a Stent, a stent.

“As we have shown in our pilot study, now, this Comic is actually to the Affected better on the intervention to prepare,” said Prof. Stangl.

The Team led by the cardiologist of the interior had informed the 121 patients from the cardiac catheter investigation, either as in a medical interview, based on the official information sheet, or subsequently, in addition to the Comic.

Different question, scientists from the arcs before and after the call, evaluated, and scientists, how well they had understood the procedure, how strong is your feeling of fear was pronounced, and whether they were with the enlightenment satisfied.

Complex content to better capture

The Comic proved to be in all areas of help: patients who had in addition get the illustrated booklet, were able to answer an average of just under twelve out of the 13 questions on the procedure, risks and important rules of conduct according to the procedure correctly.

According to the classical enlightenment, the value was only around nine out of 13 questions. In addition, the respondents to the Comic-reading, to be less concerned than before the consultation.

According to the figures, about 72 percent of the participants with the Comic strip showed a reconnaissance satisfied and felt good to the heart catheter examination, prepared according to the Standard recon, there were only 41 percent.

“A Comic allows you to capture complex content, both lyrically and visually, and this has been proven to improve the Understanding of the different types of learning,” said Dr. Brand.

“In addition, a Comic book – as opposed to a Video of the reader or the reader is not so much time to Capture the content, such as individually necessary,” she added.

“Our study was able to demonstrate for the first time that medical Comics effect as a supplementary educational material. In the future, we want to investigate whether these positive effects also on other medical interventions.“ (ad)