Poor nutrition and stress of the fathers passed on to their children through genes

Through the spermatozoa of the fathers of their future children to pass information about injuries and poor nutrition. The study showed how different events in a man’s life can play a key role in development of cells his child.

Improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle and all sorts of physical and mental trauma men play a significant role in the development of the cells of the unborn child, as the study showed. Scientists from the United States found that sperm cells carry epigenetic marks that indicate how you will develop germinal cells of the baby. This is one of the first studies examining how genetic markers of the father directly affect the health of his unborn child. The results of this study may partially explain the findings, which recently came another group of scientists. They found that children of fathers who visited during the war in captivity and subjected to ill-treatment, have increased risk of early death. But only if they were conceived after the fathers return home from captivity.

Magicforum reminds us that science called epigenetics studies the process of switching on and off genesand their impact on human health. In recent decades, this science has become extremely popular, and in the last few years have attracted the maximum attention of scientists. For a long time science has rejected the idea that sperm pass on any genetic information to the offspring, partly due to the fact that it is so difficult to identify. Sperm has no genetic mutations, some genes do not Express themselves fully.

However, an increasing number of studies show that the lifestyle of his father and his past affect children, whether it is stress, anxiety, slow metabolism or unhealthy food. Recent studies involving mice and humans have shown that approximately 10% epigenetic information is stored in the sperm. (READ MORE)