Hope and pain-relieving effect relieves pain
Each Operation can then proceed with pain associated. Experts speak of “post operative pain”. These are usually treated with medication. In one study, it has now been shown that positive expectations of patients may have a pain relieving effect.
Pain after surgery
Post-operative pain for the patient not only uncomfortable, it can also affect the healing process unfavorable. Therefore, it is sought to eliminate the pain after surgery as far as possible. Postoperative pain therapy should always be individually tailored to the patient, depending on the type of surgery and the disease history. In the foreground is a treatment with medicines is usually. However, this is often accompanied by dangerous side effects. Researchers have now found that it can help to be Concerned, also, if they have positive expectations.
What non-drug factors pain-relieving effect
Researchers at the Medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University hospital Essen have checked in a study, what are non-drug factors for post-operative pain pain-relieving effect.
The scientists have investigated almost 100 breast cancer patients and found that women who have been previously advised of the expected analgesic effect of a supportive treatment with acupuncture needles, suffered after the Operation, less pain.
Through the acupuncture treatment alone, this perception is not changed, however, it says in a statement.
Rather, it was crucial that the attending anesthesia physicians had aroused in the patients with a positive expectation of the treatment of pain.
Patients were with the painkillers levy satisfied
According to the figures, all the patients received a pump, with the help of which you self-administer the amount of pain meds.
“In a similar consumption, the positive effect on patients reported less pain,” said Prof. Dr. Sven Benson from the Institute of Medical psychology and Behavioral Immunobiology.
“In addition, these patients were with the Painkillers happier.”
According to Benson, the positive control by medical staff could be a relatively simple, time-saving and cost-effective measure to improve the treatment of pain.
In the journal “PAIN” reported the study. (ad)