New data on the impact of smartphones on health

About the impact of smart phones on the human body there have been many warnings, but still it is insufficiently studied to draw firm conclusions. Scholar of the Swiss Institute of tropical studies and public health Martin p if stated that radiation from smartphones can not provoke the development of cancer, as sometimes is claimed.

Although mobile phones have radio-frequency radiation, its effect on the cells are too insignificant and can not cause direct DNA damage associated with cancer development, the expert said.

“Smartphones are very low radiation, the same as television and radio signals. It is not ionizing, radioactive and incomparable with x-rays,” said p if in an interview with Deutsche Welle.
According to the scientist, the frequent use of the smartphone is not associated with the occurrence of brain tumors. In favor of this opinion, he says, says at least the fact that over the last twenty years, there has been no significant rise in the incidence of cancer of the brain.

Agree and epidemiologist Frank de Vocht from the University of Bristol.

“If mobile phone use significantly increased the risk of serious diseases, it would be quickly identified using modern scientific methods,” – said the expert.
At the same time, the study of the same p if Martin suggests that the habit to use smartphones reduces the quality memory in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. It turned out in particular that the ability of adolescents to remember information, especially abstract properties that significantly suffers from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation from smartphones. In this case, as were able to set professionals memory function to radio waves most strongly decreased when the phone is held from the right ear.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how available the method allows to prolong life.