A 68-year-old man developed giant blisters on the neck after he picked up a deadly infection from the dying cat. Blood tests showed that he suffers from a rare disorder called tularemia.
A 68-year-old resident of Missouri, whose name was not called for ethical reasons, on the face and neck began to appear a giant red welts, which he went to the General practitioner. The medic could not figure out the cause and sent the patient to the hospital, where he had blood tests. It turned out that the man is suffering from a very rare disease called tularemia, which can cause deadly pneumonia in 60% of cases. After the inquiry found that the man apparently picked up the disease from a cat that died two days before the onset of strange symptoms.
Tularemia is a rare disease that affects domestic animals and humans after consumption of poorly prepared meat from infected animals (usually rabbits). Percutaneous contact with a sick pet can also cause infection. During the month the patient was treated with powerful antibiotics, and then fully recovered. Curiously, before this it for two months suffered swelling of the face, and the doctor went only after he started a fever.
In most cases, tularemia is accompanied by ulcers on the skin in the place where the bacteria entered. The disease is also expressed by the swelling of the lymph nodes. If the bacterium has penetrated through the eye, it may be irritated and inflamed. The most serious complication of tularemia – pneumonia, which occurs when the patient is inhaling dust contaminated with the bacteria, or if another type of illness for a long time can not be cured, and the pathogen spreads to the lungs. (READ MORE)