In winter, men will just the trouble with the penis

Scientists told about the existence of the phenomenon of the “winter penis.” In the colder months of the year the male organ might look like 50% less, and they themselves men have problems achieving orgasm.

Not so long ago, social networks are very hot discussion was caused by the post one man, who complained that in the winter his penis looks smaller. After some time the message said the doctor, who said that penis size really visually changes depending on the time of year. However, this effect is retroactive. In other words, if in the winter the penis looks too small, in summer, the opposite seems larger than its actual size. Winter men encounter another unpleasant phenomenon – difficulty in achieving orgasm.

Let’s start with the fact that in the cold season, our body stores energy, and he does it by reducing blood flow to fingers and toes and appendages. As a result, the penis fills with less blood, which is visually reduced in size. This reduction can be up to 50% as suggest the experts. Our body is programmed to save heat and energy. In the winter decreases and the volume of the testicles, of course, the visual, and the scrotum as it pulled up to the body in order to get him more heat.

In the winter months for this reason, in men there are more pronounced problems with achieving erection due to the temporary decrease of sensitivity of the penis and its readiness to respond to stimulation. And this leads to problems with achieving orgasm. But as soon as the sun begins to warm the ground, the situation changes. (READ MORE)