In vain women doing IVF for infertile men

Women are increasingly getting totally unnecessary for them the treatment of infertility, including in vitro fertilization. And all because the doctors do not take into account the probability of male infertility, ignoring the sharp reduction in the number of sperm.

Russia may soon become a world leader in the number of clinics treating infertility – this industry in our country is booming. Thousands of foreigners from different countries come to Russia to conduct affordable and high-quality in vitro fertilization. In most cases, the doctors rightly determine the needs of married couples, but sometimes ignored factor of male infertility. British experts say that men is not sufficiently validated in such clinics, although the reason for the lack of children in the family may be that a future Pope with a low sperm count.

Some experts believe that the situation in which due to male infertility a woman is subjected to in vitro fertilization, seems absurd. Scientific observations show that in just one generation the average sperm count among men in the West fell by almost 60%. If the situation is not corrected, it can lead to the extinction of the human species. That’s why going through IVF women do is in vain, because their body is completely fine. They could conceive a child on their own, if they assisted a man with a normal sperm count.

Yet women pay for men’s problems. They go through invasive procedures that they don’t need, and in need of treatment men quietly watching and do nothing. Note that in other branches of medicine such segregation by gender is not observed. (READ MORE)