Impotence: new study causes and modern treatment methods

Researchers at Boston University say that middle-aged men who burn at least 200 calories a day through exercise, which is equivalent to 3 miles of intensive walk can significantly decrease the chances of development of impotence.In all likelihood exercise contribute to erection as they improve the General condition of the cardiovascular system. We decided to delve into the problem, and to learn more about the causes and treatments of impotence.

On supervision of experts, approximately half of men aged 40-70 years are there any problems with potency. Although the causes of these dysfunctions can serve a variety of factors, from physiological to emotional, often such problems arise in men with impaired blood circulation, blood circulation.

For the study was selected 600 men aged 40 years with no complaints of the disorder of potency. After 8 years in 17% of the selected men developed impotence. It was expected that smokers, heavy drinkers and persons with different degrees of obesity potency problems will develop much sooner. So, actually happened. However, Djebrail bad habits and Northern men has not improved.

According to the scientists, the lack of normal physical activity also resulted in reduced potency. Men have started to regularly exercise, or who continued them to perform, dramatically reduced the risk of impotence. Interestingly, the effect of dosing of physical loading increases with increase in its intensity. So the persons who burned at least 200 calories per workout, the risk of impotence was reduced by half.Dr. Jobe Mets, urologist Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston,says that in carrying out the dosed physical load, improves the General condition of human health, in particular, its circulatory system, which is, in turn, prevention of impotence.

What is impotence?

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction or impotence is a man, if he regularly becomes difficult to achieve or maintain an erection sufficiently stable to be able to have sex. Most men at least once in life, faced similar difficulties. However, erectile dysfunction (ED) is diagnosed only if the problem becomes serious, asexual activity is impossible for some time.

Since the advent of such drugs as sildenafil citrate or viagra, which can affect reklamowego member, it became clear that ED is curable. Men with problems in sexual life can experience discomfort even while talking with the doctor. However, impotence is a well-studied condition, for the treatment of which there are various methods.

Facts about erectile dysfunction:

  • Erectile dysfunction or impotence (ED) is defined as persistent difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection needed for sex
  • The reasons are usually medical but can also be psychological
  • Organic causes are usually the result of an underlying health condition affecting the blood vessels or nerves supplying the penis
  • Numerous prescription medications, drugs, alcohol and Smoking can also cause impotence

Causes of impotence

On a normal erectile function can be affected by problems in any of the following systems:

  • The bloodstream
  • Nervous system
  • Hormones

Physical causes

If the problem with erection is permanent, be sure to consult your doctor as it can be caused by a serious disease. The following list includes many of the most common physical or organic causes of impotence:

  • Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity and metabolic syndrome
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Hormonal disorders, including thyroid disease and testosterone deficiency
  • Structural or anatomical disorder of the penis such as Peyronie’s disease
  • Smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse, including cocaine use
  • Treatment of prostate diseases
  • Surgical complications
  • Injuries in the pelvic area or spinal cord
  • Radiation therapy in the pelvic region

Atherosclerosis is a common cause of problems in blood flow. Atherosclerosis causes narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the penis, preventing an erection necessary for blood flow into the penis.

Many drugs, prescription, can cause ED, including those listed below. Anyone who takes prescription drugs should consult with your doctor before you stop or change your treatment:

  • Drugs to control high blood pressure
  • Heart medicines such as digoxin
  • Some diuretics
  • Drugs acting on the Central nervous system, including some sleeping pills and amphetamines
  • Antidepressants, including monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIS), selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants
  • Opioid pain relievers
  • Some cancer drugs including chemotherapeutic agents
  • Drugs for the treatment of prostate
  • Anticholinergics
  • Hormones
  • Cimetidine

Physical causes account for 90% of cases of impotence, while psychological causes are much less common.

Psychological causes

In rare cases, a man may be congenital ED, so he never experienced an erection. This is called primary ED, and the cause is almost always psychological (if there is no obvious anatomical deformity or physiological problems). Such psychological factors include:

  • Guilt
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Depression
  • Serious concern

Most cases of ED are secondary. This means that erectile function was normal, but ceased to be such. Acquired causes of impotence are usually physical.

Less распространеннымипсихологическимифакторами causing or contributing to the development of ED can be treatable mental illness, and everyday emotional problems that periodically experienced by most people.

It is important to note that medical and psychosocial reasons may be combined. For example, if a man suffers from obesity, changes in blood flow can affect his ability to maintain an erection that is a physical reason. However, it can also be low self-esteem, which can affect erectile function, which is a psychosocial cause.

Can Cycling cause impotence?

Many have doubts about how Cycling is affecting men’s health.

Some studies have raised the concern that men who regularly ride the bike for long hours, may have a higher risk of impotence, in addition to other issues of men’s health such as infertility and prostate cancer. The last study on this issue, it was discovered that between Cycling and impotence no connection, however, scientists have found a link between long races and the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Diseases of the prostate and impotence

Prostate cancer does not cause ED. However, surgical intervention for tumor removal and radiation therapy to treat prostate cancer can cause erectile dysfunction. Treatment for benign enlarged prostate can also cause ED.


The good news is that there are many methods to treat impotence, for most men there is a solution which reshapable.


Men can make a group of medicines called inhibitors of PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase-5). Most of these tablets taken 30-60 minutes before sex – the most famous is sidlenafil (Viagra). Other options:

  • Vardenafil (Levitra)
  • Tadalafil (Cialis)
  • Avanafil (Sandra)

Inhibitors PDE-5 are only available by prescription. Before the appointment the doctor will check the condition of your heart and ask about other medications that you take.

Side effects associated with inhibitors of PDE-5 include:

  • Redness of the face
  • Hearing loss
  • Indigestion
  • Headache

Less commonly used drug options include prostaglandin E1, which is applied locally by injection into the penis or insertion into the urethra. However, most men prefer the pills, so these locally acting drugs that typically used by men who are unable to take oral treatment.

Vacuum device

Vacuum erection devices are a mechanical way to bring the penis to erection for men who do not want or cannot use drugs, or think that they don’t help. The penis becomes erect due to a vacuum pump, which is put on it and sposobstvuyut blood.

The inability of spontaneous use of vacuum devices has led to the fact that many men find other ways to treat ED is more preferable.

Surgical treatment

There are several options for surgical treatment:

  • The penile implants. This is the final version intended for men who are not helped treatment and other noninvasive methods.
  • Vascular surgery. Another surgical option for some men is vascular surgery which attempts to iserviceprovider with the blood vessels.

Surgery is the last remedy, which should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases. Recovery time varies, but success rates are high.

Help whether supplements and alternative methods to treat impotence?

The short answer is no. Neither the doctors, nor any established sources of evidence do not support the use of food additives. In addition to the lack of evidence in favor of alternative treatments, experts warn about the hidden risks of such treatment.

Symptoms impotence

Men are not always able to successfully achieve erections, but if it happens rarely, it is not considered a medical problem. However, impotence is manifested not only a complete failure to reach the vertical position of the penis. Symptoms can also include long struggle to maintain an erection to complete sexual intercourse or inability to ejaculation.

Often there are emotional symptoms such asMusenge, shame, anxiety, and decreased interest in sexual intercourse.

Uprajneniya reduce the symptoms of ED

There are exercises that men can follow to reduce the symptoms of ED.

The best non-pharmacological method of treating erectile dysfunction is the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles through exercises Kegel. They often are associated with women who want to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region during pregnancy, but exercise can be effective for men who want to restore full function of the penis.

First, find your pelvic floor muscles. You can achieve this by stopping the medium flow of urine two or three times during the next urination. Muscles that you can feel during this process is misticheskogo the bottom, which will be the focus of kegels. One of uraninites is to draw and hold these muscles for 5 seconds and then relax them. Try to do 10 to 20 repetitions every day. It may seem difficult if you are doing exercises for the first time. However, over time, to meet them would be easier. You will notice an improvement after 6 weeks.

Make sure you do not hold your breath during the entire process and avoid squeezing the muscles down as if you provoke urination. Instead, squeeze your muscles.

Recall that aerobic exercises such Jogging or even a brisk walk can help blood to circulate better, which is useful for men whose impotence is caused by circulatory problems.


Many potential causes of erectile dysfunction mean that the doctor will have to ask you many questions and then send you for a blood test. This survey, among other things, can detect heart problems, diabetes and low testosterone levels. The doctor will also conduct a physical examination, including genitalia. Before you put a diagnosis that requires treatment, your doctor will look for symptoms that persist for at least 3 months.

Once the history is established, the doctor will investigate further. To determine which reason is the basis of ED (psychological or physical), it can carry out so-called vintage test. Men usually occurs 3 to 5 erections per night. This test confirms the presence of erections at night, if nucleinate the penis before bedtime ring of postage stamps to morning turns out to be broken.