How to enable your brain to 100%, the Center of Brain Stimulation

If You’re over thirty and you postoyannaye competition from young people, if you are in a situation of constant learning, no matter it is a foreign language, new software or training, if your life is the need for creative (creative) decisions (and raising children is a creative non-stop, which is only to persuade three-year-old to eat fish/meat/vegetables), then this article is for you.

  • contradictory, and often opposite, surface, many times repeated information from multiple sources, and answers needed to questions still do not get it;
  • with the balance of priorities between several important and urgent tasks/chores;
  • with the difficulty to concentrate on any one thing (it turns out the paradox: it is hard to concentrate on anything in particular, but without it the work would be counterproductive, and need to work in multitasking mode, that is, to shift attention from maintaining a high concentration many times a day);
  • with the feeling of exhaustion.

This list contains only some of the difficulty which is able to drive with the stress of the modern specialist. Not for nothing we are talking about age, because the younger the easier to constantly worry about adaptation. The current generation of 30-40 year old professionals are more prone to overload as this generation was taught more on the principle of accumulation of information, and have to work in a constant competitive environment of youth whose education has been to build on the case study methods.

Experience in help?

If you ask a 35 year specialist all activities, what is its competitive advantage, the more likely he will answer experience. At the level of physiology this means that in 35 years of life and a minimum of 10 years working experience, his brain formed more stable relationships (of conditioned reflexes, associative fields) than the 20-year-old student. And at the heart of creativity and learning is the lability (instability, mobility) of the nervous system. Here is the contradiction: the experience of sustainable education can hinder development. And it turns out that in order to remain a specialist in the trend of his mind is impossible to reduce the capacity for mobility of nervous processes that, unfortunately, with age it becomes harder and harder.

Alert neurons

To date, more popular hardware methods of kick-starting thinking processes, whereas previous generations had to be content with solving logic puzzles and crossword puzzles, chess. Modern man in an endless stream of activities can not afford to spend 2 hours on a game of chess or solving a crossword.

On the basis of scientific knowledge and new technological solutions were developed techniques that can leverage the hidden potential of the brain.This is non-drug effects on the brain, which uses it’s potential. Thanks to our methods you can develop your ability to learn and to increase stress resistance, which is extremely important in the modern world. Due to the stimulation of the brain, which we used in our Centre, you can develop your creativity, improve perception and information processing, improve attention, memory, and enhance performance, which is the key to success.

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