Experts at York University in Toronto (Canada) found that women with abdominal body fat are better protected from metabolic disorders compared to men. It turned out that, accumulating on the abdomen, adipose tissue in male and female body is different in different texture and “behavior”.
Scientists experimented with mice and found that males and females have fatty tissue in different ways was equipped with blood vessels. After a few weeks the animals held on a diet high in fat, found that females in the accumulated in the abdomen fat sprouted more vessels than males. Meanwhile, it is the lack of capillary growth in adipose tissue, according to experts, contributes to the development of metabolic disorders, which are associated with critical obesity and diabetes.
Thus, scientists assumed that women, due to the ability for active proliferation of blood vessels, “the accumulated body fat is in better shape” compared to men. However, noted experts, this does not mean that women who are overweight may not develop health problems.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that belly fat effectively save bananas.