Latest figures from the health Ministry said that among the Russian children is frighteningly rapidly spreading obesity. Over the past four years, the number of children suffering from obesity, in the country has increased significantly, according to official statistics.
According to the health Ministry, the figure grew by 12% over the period from 2014 to 2017 inclusive.
“The most unfavorable situation with childhood obesity has developed in the North-West Federal district. In the North Caucasian Federal district, on the contrary, the most positive,” – said the researchers.
According to their calculations, in the North-Western Federal district on 100 thousand children have 1523,1 cases of obesity, whereas in Severo-the Caucasian – only 598 cases per 100 thousand.
We will remind, in March 2018, the Moscow doctors have warned about the rapid growth statistics of obesity in children both in Moscow and in other Russian regions. Owners of overweight among adolescents and young people are now three times more than 5-6 years ago, said the experts. They suggested that parents often not only don’t explain to children why you can’t eat in large quantities or cannot eat unhealthy food, but also setting a bad example.
Earlier Magicforum wrote, from whom of the parents we inherit the genes that make us prone to obesity.