Correlation was found between risk of Alzheimer’s disease and daytime sleepiness, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. The research was conducted by scientists from the United States.
In the new study it was found that in the brain increased the number of beta-amyloid in 60-year old men regularly experiencing daytime sleepiness. What beta-amyloid is the main indicator, which indicates the risk of developing dementia. The staff of the medical school at Johns Hopkins University said that with age, a person decreases the quality of sleep, increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Scientific experts have made the assumption that perhaps there is some connection between the NAP and the occurrence of these diseases. They conducted long-term studies involving a large number of people, often having the desire to sleep during the day. Study health subjects, and communication, mentioned above, was carried out for 15 years.
In the result, it was found that the risk of dementia has a relationship to daytime sleep. It was recorded that people who regularly have the desire to sleep during daytime hours, had a high rate of pathogenic beta-amyloid in the human brain. This figure was increased 3 times, and this is a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is the death of some systems of brain cells, i.e. neurons. It is these processes that lead to dementia – dementia. Basically the disease of elderly people, but sometimes she can begin to develop after 40 years and 70 years, according to statistics, this disease is diagnosed in 30% of older people. Often the disease appears in women, it is believed that men simply do not because of their dolgozhitelnitsy not live to see it.