Back pain: 7 tips on how to avoid suffering

The contents

Change direction

Change your position as often as possible

In the sitting position, use cushions or pillow under the lower back

Exercise regularly

Give up Smoking

How to protect your back from pain? For this you need to follow simple rules. Magicforum gathered tips simple daily habits to prevent back pain.

Change direction

One of the causes of back pain – the prevalence of anterior tilt in the spine or provision with a forward tilt (sitting, work in forward bend). This is a fairly common pattern of movement in everyday life. Usually you Wake up, sitting eating Breakfast, brushing your teeth or tie your shoelaces, leaning forward, going to work, again sitting in the transport, then working at the table for a long period of working day. It’s an ordinary day for most of us.

And few people (except people who are actively involved in sports) makes the reverse movement, the tilting in the spine or backbends. This behavior leads to constant overload of the anterior spine (primarily the intervertebral disc) and over-stretching ligaments and capsules of the intervertebral joints.

To represent better – conduct a simple experiment with finger: vignette ago index finger to the extreme position and feelings of slight discomfort and hold that position for some time. Subsequently, you will begin to feel the pain, the source of which is overly stretched ligaments and capsules of the joints of a finger.

So with the spine. In order not to feel back pain, often need to change the position and direction of movement. It is recommended during the day, periodically perform the extension in the back.

Change your position as often as possible

About the dangers of a prolonged stay in a sitting position much has already been said. There are plenty of tips on how to sit or how to pick up a chair. Remember that the perfect sitting position does not exist. The best option is to constantly change position. Take breaks, without waiting for the appearance of discomfort or back pain. Get up, walk, do the extensor movement in the lower back.

Where you would not have to sit in the subway or in the office, get used to it: always tightly rest against the sacrum in the back seat, leaving no gap between the pelvis and back. Then align the spine across the back of the chair and straighten your shoulders.

In the sitting position, use cushions or pillow under the lower back

This also applies to long trips behind the wheel: maximum pull forward, the cushion of the seat back, if applicable vehicle, or place them under the lower back for an extra pillow. This pillow can be removed and again put every half-hour of travel, thus altering the position of the back. If you been behind the wheel, don’t forget at every opportunity to do active stop. Like, poprisedayte, make a few extensor movements.

On the plane try to choose an aisle seat. This will allow you to frequently get up and stretch. Use the seat belt as tightly as possible to the body – it also often helps to reduce discomfort in the back. Also, use pillows and cushions under the small of your back (it may even be item of clothing or blanket)

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise will reduce the risk of pain during heavy lifting. Our spine is adapted for lifting heavy weights. Furthermore, our musculoskeletal system requires strength exercises to maintain their health.

Usually the problem is not in it, and the fact that many people are just not ready for heavy loads. Therefore, regular exercise will reduce the risk of pain when lifting weights. If you have concerns about this, I recommend you start exercising with the physical therapist (a rehabilitation specialist).

Also remember the basic rules of proper lifting:

•keep the load as close as possible to the body;

•perform lifts and twists feet, not just back;

•try to keep your back straight, keeping the curves of the spine (neutral position) – another way to lift something from the floor: leaning with one hand on the table surface while raising the leg opposite to the supporting arm.

If you need to lift heavy objects, don’t forget to warm up. You don’t think the lifters raise the bar without warming?

Give up Smoking

Already there is much scientific evidence that Smoking significantly increases the risk of back pain.

Nicotine reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the intervertebral discs (30-40%). This can lead to the violation of their regeneration. And back pain in smokers is significantly worse to treat and often becomes chronic.

Smoking also increases the risk of recurrent herniated discs after surgical removal of hernia and the likelihood of re-surgery.

Sleep enough

When chronic lack of sleep, change of biochemical processes in the brain, which leads to lower pain thresholds and increased risk of musculoskeletal pain, including back pain.

Also, some provisions during sleep can contribute to back pain. For example, lying on your stomach. Another cause of pain and stiffness in the back – excessive sleep (over 8-9 hours). First of all, because of the long absence of motor activity and emergence of muscle strain.

Full eat

There are no special diets for the health of the spine. Just follow the recommendations on healthy nutrition. If you are overweight, you should follow a diet aimed at reducing body weight (preferably under supervision of a specialist dietician).

Learn to counteract the stress

Emotional stress can also be the cause of back pain or exacerbate pain. It is therefore important to learn to cope with stress and to learn relaxation techniques. Do not read scary stories about back pain on the Internet. They usually have nothing to do with modern scientific knowledge about the problem and often serve only commercial purposes.

Was previously named tips on dealing with a hangover.