As a quarrel with a loved one affect your health?

A recent study by Ohio state University showed that when couples are confronted with, they are more likely to suffer from the syndrome of the permeable intestine (Leaky Gut Syndrom) when bacteria get into the blood and cause inflammation.

Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, Director of the Institute of behavioral medicine research, the Ohio state University and lead author of the study, said that anything that contributes to chronic inflammation, can lead to a number of different health problems.

Inflammation is increasingly associated with a number of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, brittle bone disease and General deterioration.

That’s why she wanted to analyze how stress in relationships can affect health. To study Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues interviewed more than 40 physically healthy couples. Couples were asked to discuss and try to solve problems that can cause controversy, for example, money and relatives. During the 20-minute discussion cuprugby left alone and filmed on video. Later researchers have observed how finished parasailing, especially paying attention to their verbal and non-verbal behaviors such as dramatic views or criticisms in the direction of the partner.

Some discussed challenging topics more easily, while others were furious and began to call each other words like an idiot. Ultimately, the interaction was evaluated, taking into account body language and tone of voice. The researchers then compared blood samples obtained from couples before and after disputes. Both men and women who were more hostile during the discussion had a higher level of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), biomarkers of syndrome of leaky gut, in contrast to those who behaved more calmly.

The protein level was still higher in those who not only led sebaastian during an argument with a partner, but also had a history of depression or other mood disorders. The author of the study commented on the results:

Baliproperty earlier animal studies that have shown that stress can lead to the development of the syndrome of leaky gut in mice, the same Association was found with depression. All it proves is that chronic stress causes inflammation, causing the syndrome and other diseases. However, this does not mean that the dispute or disagreement is bad. In a healthy marriage partners are not of targetirovanie in itself. You should discuss the differences, but exactly how do you discuss them affect your health.

Relationships and health go hand in hand

The results of the study seem to be completely logical expert on human behavior Patrick Wanis, who said that for anybody not a secret that stress causes serious damage to our health.

Proven that stress causes fatigue, pain, insomnia, anxiety, can affect the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbating ulcers, IBS, and also disrupt the endocrine system. We also know that stress leads to increased blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke etc. One of the most common causes of stress like time, are personal relationships.

Because people tend to become attached to each other, if communication with another person comes in sostenidamente, the body immediately reacts to it.

Strong influence on the relationship is supported by three things: the type of stress (individual or joint), the level of stress and reaction to stress.

Individual type of stress affects one person in the relationship (death of a loved one, loss of a job, illness), while there is stress, which applies to both (finances, relationships). For example, it is collaborating with a family therapist who counsels couples. When the therapist identificeret that one of the partners there is a certain problem which needs to be addressed, such as depression, anxiety or past trauma, it directs him or her to Vanish to work on an individual problem. After the individual problem is solved, the couple returns to the family therapist to resolve joint issues.

If stress applies to both, the differences can be which house to buy or where to go on vacation. However, the most common causes of quarrels in couples is raising children, money, sex and intimacy (which are independent from each other).

According to an ongoing study in which Vanis have interviewed about 2000 people, the main arguments men and women who led to the breakup, the following:


  • We have different goals in life
  • I wanted to spend more time with him than he had to offer
  • We are constantly arguing
  • We were at different stages of life
  • We didn’t match the graphics of life


  • We had intimacy issues
  • We have different goals
  • She lied to me
  • We are constantly arguing
  • We were at different stages of life

All this proves only one thing: people do not know how to resolve conflicts. Vanis also noted that the reason for the dispute determines the level of stress.

If we argue about where to spend holidays, from 10, it can be 3 or 4. If we are talking about finances when one partner spends large sums of money, accumulating debt, then it could be 8 or 9.

How to respond to stress

Despite the fact that stress is an integral part of life, it is very harmful to family life. The fact that the spouse, as a rule, is your main source of support. If he starobitcevskaja source of stress, you immediately lose support, so it can be called a double blow.

Vanis believes that the best way to deal with stress in a relationship is to start with yourself.

If a dispute between us, if I feel stress or you feel stress in my life, and I’m your partner, I have to ask myself: how does this affect me?, what can I do to help you?, what can I do for our relationship?.

For example, if you are experiencing stress because of work, try not to project your fear, anxiety and problems with the partner. The same is true that affects both partners.

Suppose, we are both concerned about how to pay the mortgage this month and maybe next too. If I do not have consciousness, I can just go home and start to swear and blame you for our problems.

When couples find themselves in the middle of this argument, Vanis offers the following tips:

  • Pay attention to what you are trying to achieve through their arguments. You argue because you want to be right or want to punish your partner, or you are really trying to find a solution?
  • Pay attention to your feelings and sensations in the body. You tense up, sweat? Bit out of breath? Heart rate increasing? Pains in the stomach? So you move the wrong way.
  • If you realize that the emotions start to overcome you or your partner, stop and give yourself time to calm down. Walk, focusing on calming your nervous system, slowly and breathing deeply and realizing what is happening.

Most importantly – do not quarrel, but how you argue and how you resolve it. I do not quarrel ruining relationship. They demolish the arguments that you bring, and the response to the arguments of your partner. Kiecolt-Glaser adds that the impact on health can also bad habits that appear under stress.

People who are more active, tend to have a more healthy colon. There is good evidence that poor nutrition, particularly saturated fat, is closely associated with the syndrome of leaky gut, because in times of stress, you probably jumped on donuts than broccoli. Worsens the condition and poor sleep, which also occurs on the grounds of stress.

To the intestines were healthy, concludes the specialist, you must have a diet with a high content of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.