Because of the Corona pandemic restaurants in Bremen, infection may establish a protection to the ascension of Christ no alcohol outside of the home to sell.
Also on hand carts or hand carts allowed on Thursday, father’s day, no alcohol to be carried in Public, such as Bremen’s interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) on Monday with a view to a General ruling for the 21st century. May announced. Thus, Bremen is the first state action against the sale of alcohol on father’s day.
Negligence in distance, rules fears
"Everyone knows that with increasing consumption of alcohol and good intentions quickly fall into oblivion, especially since a lot of people zurücksehnen" in their old normality;, the SPD-politician stressed. Negligence in the clearance rules or of hand hygiene could not afford the company but. Gatherings of people should be avoided wherever possible.
The ruling was a compromise between the since Monday current easing for the catering, and a General serving and consumption, prohibition of alcohol, such as in Parts of the lower Saxony region of concern for a rise in new infections, said Mäurer. The decision shall be taken by the clerk’s office and is reported to be on Thursday from 8.00 to 22.00.
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