After a measles outbreak at a high school in Hildesheim unvaccinated children threatens your own safety, of the school exclusion. Employees of the Department of health, reviewed on Friday the vaccination certificates in all of the 26 classes and also the teachers, how the district announced.
The parents had been informed two days previously. Anyone who can’t prove until Monday for his Vaccinations, is not allowed to enter the school for the time being. This applies to all school employees, persons.
The lower Saxony health Ministry announced that the school should make in consultation with the district health authority has a legal balance between compulsory education and the protection of children against a contagious disease. Even without a mandatory vaccination in Germany, the key is to prevent spread of highly infectious and unvaccinated people dangerous disease.
Since the beginning of the year, more people are in lower Saxony measles contracted than in the entire previous year. According to information from the Ministry of health since the new year 26 measles cases were registered, in the year 2018, there were 18. The majority of the Patients in this year, there were 17 cases in the circle of Hildesheim.
Measles are unvaccinated people very contagious. The Virus is transmitted as airborne droplets when Talking, coughing or Sneezing. Infection causes fever, cough, inflammation of the conjunctiva, and skin rash. The disease can be serious. As a life-threatening complication may occur an inflammation of the brain.
Although the number of Federal decreased measles cases nationwide, according to the Robert Koch-Institute, 929 cases, 2017 to 543 cases in the previous year. However, in Europe, multiplied the number of measles cases, eighth from 5273 in 2016 to 23 927 in the following year.