Experts recommend that for the season of colds and flu add to food and drinks spices – it is quite effective way to strengthen the protective resources of the organism and its resistance to viruses.
“In cold seasons, spices and herbs have a positive effect on the body: help regulate the right body temperature, improve digestion, and even mood”, – said the dietician Lyudmila Babich.
In particular, the doctor considers it necessary to add to the usual dishes known seasoning – horseradish.
“Modern doctors suggest for the season of colds and flu to consume horseradish in a small amount at least every couple of days,” – said Babic.
She added that hell has a tonic, anti-inflammatory action, also, this spices inherent bactericidal effect. Horseradish contains in its composition of volatile – natural antibiotics and lysozyme, which is bactericidal substance. Its use stimulates the production of white blood cells, does not mutate the cells of the body, is a strong antioxidant. The product acts as a natural antibiotic: treats cystitis and other diseases of the urinary tract. Useful for all infections of the respiratory system.
Another “favorite” among spices in a season of disease -cardamom. A pinch of cardamom in a Cup of black coffee will improve the mood and protect against seasonal affective disorder, said the nutritionist.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that harm the immune system may wood smoke from the fires.