Some people mistakenly believe that oral sex is safer than traditional. But surely it is only in the case of an unwanted pregnancy.
Just 4 facts about oral sex may completely change your ideas about security mentioned fun.
Activation of HPV usually is not associated with infection, and reduced immune protection against the virus that is for life in the human body.
Cancer due to oral sex? Yes. True cause of cancer of the throat is not itself oral sex and human papillomavirus (HPV) which is transmitted through sexual contact, including oral sex. Scientists managed to establish the types of HPV that most commonly cause cancer of the oropharynx and tonsils. HPV is quite common among the adult population, however, it does not always lead to the development of cancer of above organs.
If your partner is not a carrier of HPV infection, the risk of cancer is minimal. HPV can replicate in the mucosa of the oropharynx for both women and men. Cancer is caused by HPV infection, is treated much better than cancer, the reasons for which are Smoking or alcohol abuse.
Throat cancer: stage 4
In some couples the desire for oral sex is often the cause of strained relations, while other oral sex only strengthens them. Usually, the problem regarding oral sex is the hygiene partner. One of the partners may also refuse oral sex, afraid to cause a disapproving reaction from the second. In other pairs the opposite is true: they consider oral sex as the best way of intimate contact that can only be between loving each other people.
Through oral sex it is possible to obtain the following sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes virus, syphilis, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus (HPV), viral hepatitis. The risk of transmission of these infections depends on the number of sexual partners, sex techniques and oral sex. To prevent the transmission of STDs can ispolzuyteskryty or special latex cloth which is placed on the vagina or the anus. However, as young people, and older people rarely use them because they do not know about the risk of transmission during oral sex.
Many do not consider casual sex as something meaningful and does not believe that oral sex can lead to any trouble.
According to research conducted among young people, divided into three groups, from the group, which was engaged only in oral sex, STDs ill 2%, from the group only engaged in vaginal sex, STDs sick 5%, and from the group, which was engaged in oral and vaginal sex, ill 13% of subjects.
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Guys say that oral sex brings them social and emotional satisfaction, while most girls say they feel used or guilty after some oral sex, but also about the deterioration of relations with his partner.