11 best foods in autumn

The contents

Citrus fruits


Bell pepper

Red fish






Bitter chocolate

Various spices

In the fall of the human diet should be as varied and useful to prevent the development of various disease. Include in your diet these foods to avoid numerous problems. In particular it will protect you from colds and flu.

Citrus fruits

Who has not heard about the benefits of citrus during the autumn colds? They are valuable sources of vitamin C, which has an amazing effect on the entire body. This tonic, wound healing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon, oranges, lime, grapefruit — citrus to choose from can be anything according to your taste.

By the way, these fruits also are volatile, which act like antibiotics. They can easily cope with pathogenic bacteria. This is what the body needs during the epidemic of colds and flu. Also included are citrus essential oils, is able to normalize sleep, improve mood, and so on.

Read more about the benefits of ascorbic acid, read the material on our website.


It is believed that ginger is a natural antibiotic, and much more productively onions and garlic. It includes no less than 10 anti-viral compounds, which have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory quality. Thanks ginger, keep warm, maintain the heat balance. Furthermore, this product has a sudorific action, removes toxins from the body.

Bell pepper

Essential nutrients and vitamins can be found in the Bulgarian red pepper. A lot of beta-carotene, and phytochemical substances. Besides, there are a lot of vitamin C which helps to restore the immune system. Interestingly, the highest concentration of vitamins are located near the stalk. Typically, this portion people throw out, but it is wrong if you care about their health.

Red fish

This is one of the most important products in the diet of each person, not only in the fall. Because the red fish is a great source of vitamins A, E, proteins and healthy fatty omega-3 acids. In addition, the fish have a huge amount of vitamin D that just needs to be in the fall, during the lack of sun. It is known that due to lack of this vitamin, people can get sick much more often, so it is important to eat red fish. A nice bonus is that this fish has a great impact on the brain.


Everyone knows that onions are very useful in the autumn time of year. It has excellent antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it should be consumed in the midst of colds. If you get sick yourself, you need to include onions in the diet. Also inhale volatile angina, and inflammatory processes in the lungs. Fried the onion in butter helps relieve cough. Besides, onion is a great assistant to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood and sugar.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic and contains a lot of useful and nutrients. It has a lot of calcium, selenium, vitamin b, phosphorus. It contains more essential oils and phytoncides. But remember, the beneficial properties differs only in raw garlic.


Carrots have a lot of valuable qualities. It is not only a good product for vision. It is great for treating a variety of ailments. It’s all in the composition of vegetables, because the nutrients are in carrots, increase the body’s resistance to viruses, help with General weakness and even anemia.

The most valuable component of carrots are beta-carotenes. They improve the growth and development of cells of the immune system and help to neutralize toxins. Useful not only eat carrots, but to drink the juice from this vegetable.


Very tasty and healthy product can be effective in protecting humans from various diseases. This vegetable is rich in such substances like pectin, minerals, vitamins rare T and K, and C, B1, B2, B5, E, PP. In pumpkin a lot of beta-carotene, which is responsible for the formation of vitamin A. It helps aid proteins to regulate the correct interaction between the cells, which enhance the immune system’s resistance to viruses.

Not only can you use the whole vegetable, but also to drink pumpkin juice. For efficiency it can be mixed with two tablespoons of honey is a real treasure of useful elements.


Almonds contain vitamin E. Thanks to him, the body can resist various viruses. Therefore, from eating of nuts you have significantly reduced the risks of catching a cold. But it is important not to forget about the other types of nuts, include in the diet and sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. This is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins.

Bitter chocolate

Dark chocolate is considered one of the most effective sweets in the world. So there is not too much sugar and fat. The benefits of chocolate means cocoa, which is a concentrated natural antioxidant. In its composition of T-lymphocytes responsible for specific immune response. Also a lot of chocolate, theobromine, helps to keep heart normal, is used in bronchopulmonary diseases. He also brings in the active state of the brain, improves memory.

Various spices

Natural supplements very necessary in the fall. These include various spices that you can add to dishes. Among the numerous health benefits turmeric, Bay leaf, oregano, cinnamon, parsley and dill, root of celery. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory effect that helps to improve the immune system.