Talking about nightmares?

Most active contemporaries living in a constant state of stress about what they; do not even know, believing that their condition naturally. Italian psychologists have called the basic signs of suppressed stress.

Frequent headaches without a specific reason

Headache is a symptom of many diseases, but sometimes it’s just a response to our inner feelings. The vast majority of the adult population from time to time suffer from headaches.

10% of people the pain associated with organic disease, while in 7% they are permanent. Very often, the headache is a symptom psihosomaticheskoy disorders , and is often a form of the disorder.

Psychosomatic pain usually appear as a result of stress factors that are affecting the nervous system can change the function and condition of the different organs and systems of the human body. As a result of stress changes heart rate, respiratory rate, vascular tone, function of the gastrointestinal tract and many more. As a result of these changes, you might the metabolic process, the change of brain blood circulation, increase the vibrational mobility of the vessels. Increased intracranial pressure, and this in turn leads to stimulation of pain receptors.

See also:HEADACHES AND barometric PRESSURE

Strong premenstrual syndrome in women

Gloomy autumn period, when symptoms of premenstrual syndrome experienced by women is particularly acute: the vagaries of the weather and shortened daylight hours adds fuel to the fire. Let’s see where the legs grow from this ailment and how to fight it?

The term premenstrual syndrome was introduced into the practice of the doctor and the patient a female British doctor Katharina Dalton. Her and many of her patients disturbed cyclically recurring symptoms, the cause of which she tried to explain the lack of hormones during the premenstrual period. It was in the 50-ies of the last century. Today, little has changed.

According to statistics, PMS overshadows the life 80% of women of childbearing age. Half of them simply falls out of the normal rhythm of life for a couple of days so strong they manifestations of the syndrome. These women are strong headaches, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, severe pain in the abdomen and lower back pain and many other unpleasant symptoms. The rest of the hormonal storm was accompanied by sharp changes of mood, irritability, pain in the chest, swelling and skin rashes. In addition, women with pronounced PMS experience significant psychological discomfortthat arises not only because of internal sensations, but external manifestations of PMS.

The causes of this condition has not been studied. Of course, the key role belongs to changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle. In addition, the causes of PMS include genetic predisposition, poor nutrition (eg, mood swings associated with folic acid deficiency, and headaches a deficiency of magnesium in the body) and the notorious stress. Iron ICP facilitates Change in diet can alleviate the condition of women who suffer from symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. But the biggest misconception is the view that PMS is a condition that does not require special attention. If a woman regularly notice yourself of these symptoms are hormonal storms, it’s time to contact your gynecologist. Given that premenstrual syndrome is associated with the cyclical fluctuations of female hormones, it makes sense, for the treatment of PMS, cyclical nature of this fix.

Acute PMS note on combined oral contraceptives (COCs), if there are no contraindications. Thanks to properly chosen doctor dosages of hormones, these drugs help a woman to get rid of sharp fluctuations of hormones in the body that promotes reliable contraceptive effect and treatment.


First and foremost, you need to carefully look at your nervous system. How often do you feel nervous? How busy emotionally was your day and what you personally involved with everything around you. The task is really not easy, and you most likely will need a competent therapist who will help you to understand the reasons that led to this condition. Often the cause of night terrors are troubles at work, in the family, loss of a loved one, moving to another residence and much more.

Among other reasons for nightmares also there are:

  • intake of fatty and spicy foods, especially at night. As you know spicy food raises body temperature, which significantly accelerates the metabolism. And this in turn prevents you to fully relax;
  • the position of the bed. It often happens that a man is enough to change the room or move the bed as the nightmares recede. So if you are troubled dreams, try to begin to change the place of rest. Maybe at this stage you will avoid problems;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol;
  • excessive exercise, having a negative impact on the adrenal glands. In this scenario, the adrenals do not control the process of utilization of sugar, which leads to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, and as a consequence bad restless sleep;
  • pRiem certain medications; diseases that increase body temperature. Most often it is the cold and the flu.


Gingivitis and stomatitis

Gingivitis is not uncommon. However, not everyone knows what to do with this problem and what is the difference between the most common inflammatory disease of the gums.

The most common gum diseases are gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis. Most often, the development of these diseases leads to inadequate oral hygiene: plaque accumulates along the edges of the gums and in hard to reach toothbrush areas. If the plaque is sealed, the formation of Tartar, which is impossible to remove with conventional brushing. Pathogenic organisms in dental plaque and hard deposits, provoking the beginning of the inflammatory process in the gums.

Craving for sweets and flour

You may want to think about it and nacwo? Often a sweet tooth don’t even realize that they consume a lot of sugar. So, we often fail to notice the fact that a lot of sugar we get from eating flour products, carbonated drinks, sweet tea, and even fruit.

Skin rash

Skin rashes can be one of the symptoms of stress.Although considered to be stress psychological problem, it can have physical manifestations, for example, on the skin. Stress can affect the skin in different ways.

Stress can trigger the outbreak of hives. Urticaria is convex red spots or scars. They come in different sizes and can be positioned on any part of the body. The areas affected by hives, itching. In some cases, when touched, they cause a tingling or burning sensation.

Stress can inhibit proper healing of existing skin problems. For example, stress affects psoriasis and eczema.

Allergy symptoms

An Allergy is the body’s hypersensitivity to certain allergens. It occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances that are harmless to most people.To allergic diseases include hay fever, food Allergy, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma and anaphylaxis (allergic reaction of immediate type). Think about it, don’t bother if you are allergic symptoms? Perhaps you sleep in a stuffy room? And the padding of pillows and blankets for you?.. Dust and house dust mites: dust is an element that may consist of residues of food particles, dead insects, skin cells, human or animal, bacteria, spores, fungi, mold and even small living creatures, domestic mites. Often, due to various reasons it is unknown which component of dust causes allergic reaction. But the General rule remains true: in order to improve health, reduce contact with the allergen.

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain elibol in the abdomen, very often vstrechalsya complaint in patients. Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints of patients. It can be quite different:in the abdomen next to each other, there are many organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestine, and very close to the kidneys and ovaries. Each one hurts in its own way and requires its own treatment. In some cases, you can do home remedies, but sometimes you need to immediately call emergency medical help.


Nanoprint to distinguish between localized and generalized itching. Generalized form can occur as a result of food intolerance (from the mushrooms, spicy dishes, smoked meats, etc.), drug sensitization, response to external environment changes (cold or heat itching). The elderly may be a result of a decline in the function of sebaceous glands, dry skin (senile pruritus). Often generalized itching occurs as a result of severe diseases of internal organs (diabetes, hepatitis, Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia etc.), with neuro-mental pathology (neurosis). Localized itching occurs more often in the anogenital region (itching of vulva, pruritus of the scrotum, the anal itch) and scalp. Along with mentioned causes localized itching may provoke local changes (worm infestation, hemorrhoids, proctitis, seborrhea, leukorrhea, prostatitis, Candida, etc.).

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