Why eat soup?

Soup. To eat or not to eat? Some experts believe that even if you do refuse the soup, nothing bad will not happen.

Others do not represent your, and especially the day your child no hot first. Who is right?


The soup was loved by the people for a long time: it was popular at different times and in different cultures, in Europe and Asia. In Ukraine the culture of soup and soup is firmly entrenched. Cold winters and the lack of vegetables is most likely influenced by the fact that they became popular entrees. However, eating or not eating soup is more a question of taste and tradition in your family than your health. Your refusal from the soup will not have harmful consequences. Indeed, in countries where almost eating the meal, the index of gastrointestinal diseases is not particularly different from ours.

Yes, indeed, no scientific evidence, closup neobhodimo to include in your daily menu, no. A balanced varied diet and sufficient amounts of fluid during the day is enough. However, thosewho insist on the need is the first or hot, all right. Here are 6 reasons why soup should cook.

6 priciest soup and borscht

Soup of carrot and celery sumerianjoki vitamins for healthy vision, skin and immune system.

  • Vegetables

In one bowl of soup or soup can собрать3-6 types of green vegetables, legumes, mushrooms and herbs. On the recommendation of Britanskikh health should eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruit (one of about 80 ). The bowl of soup contains at least two essential portions.

  • Soup dealine the option of maintaining nutrients.

The soup is good vitamins or minerals stored (with proper preparation, of course).


The fats in the composition of the meals contribute to a better absorption of plant pigments carotenoids. This provitamin A, necessary for healthy vision, skin and immune system. And in the red borscht in addition, the vitamins are preserved better.

Ukrainian borsch composition of vegetables similar to Spanish traditional red soup. Inthe red borscht in addition, the vitamins are preserved better.

  • Soup or soup is a liquid. Well-hydrated and food is better digested.

But to get maximum benefit, you need to properly prepare these dishes. Ideally, the soup should be very thick, and it should be prepared without frying vegetables. Instead of mealy dressings cream soups it is better to use lentils istochnikovedenie protein and fiber.


In boiling meat broth should also follow certain rules. It is better to drain the first few broth after cooking the meat.

Soup is not a medicine and not a boring attribute of healthy lifestyle that we should consume daily. It’s healthy food. Parents should not force children to eat soup every day. But should pay attention to the advantages of soups and not to upset parents.

Udons, chicken is the most simple and healthy Asian soup.

  • Soups have fewer calories than potatoes with meat but they can eat.

In America, research was carried out, during which people were given the same food, prepared in the form of soup and snacks. People who were given the soup in the end ate 27% fewer calories than those eating snacks. Scientists explained this by the fact that the soup faster creates the sensation of a full stomach, although the amount eaten food it can’t compare with the lunch. So soups can be the most suitable menu for those who want to lose weight. It is about vegetarian soups or those made on the basis of lean meat a minimum of calories and a feeling of satiety.

In addition, the soups is needed if you have stomach problems (insufficient secretory function of the stomach, reduced acidity). Vegetable soups in their ability to stimulate digestion, sometimes twice with hydrochloric acid, designated in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream encourages the glands of the stomach to produce more active enzyme pepsin which breaks down protein.

At low acidity of gastric juice soups help, stimulating the activity of glands that line the mucosa of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice. However, if a person’s ulcer (high acidity), meat broths are excluded, because lead to further secretion of hydrochloric acid.

  • Soups improve peristalsis.

Vegetable soup for vegetarians

It is believed that the soup can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease. Chicken soup makes for a cold, as it contains components possessing anti-inflammatory action. Studies show that chicken soup has a positive effect on the blood vessels and reduces the thickening of their walls.


Condiments that are part of the soup (Bay leaf, pepper, onion, parsley, roots), enhance the secretion of digestive glands.

For dietary purposes is preferable to the vegetarian soups, but nevertheless, to exclude saturated soups from your diet if you are struggling with obesity, should be very careful. Drastic reduction, and even more so their exclusion may result in atony of the large intestine and constipation.

It is clear that, when it comes to dietary nutrition refers to homemade soups: cook themselves at home in a saucepan, not brewed from tea bags at work (although the last option in field conditions can also not be excluded). In concentrated soups fairly high salt content, which ultimately can adversely affect health. However, people suffering from high blood pressure, it is necessary and in the preparation of homemade soups to monitor the amount of salt.

In addition, the soups should not be cooked too long because they lose their nutritional value (vitamins etc.), deteriorating the taste, appearance and aroma.

  • Vitamin C is destroyed less if the vegetables lay in a boiling liquid.

Carrots better passerovats, as when roasting carrots is better absorbed carotene is soluble in fat, besides oil, coloring in the orange gives the soup a beautiful view.


Easy Tuscan soup with carrots and beans

Supoena to cook at once, not to leave it for another day, because when warming up destroyed all water-soluble vitamins, primarily vitamin C (with the exception of the soup that is tastier on the second day). If you prepare yourself vegetable soups, believing that you comply with the diet regime, then reheat the soup several times not to be.

The degree of grinding of food in the soup depends on your state. If you want to spare the gastric mucosa and small intestine, you need mucous and pureed soups are vegetarian or dairy. With abatement of the inflammatory process, they are gradually replaced with puréed, and then the usual soups vegetable broth, milk, decoction of dried fruits.

With all the benefits of soups, there are situations where they are abused and should not be. Chicken soups have always been a means to restore the body, chicken soup was force-feeding people after illness, flu is easily digestible food product. But you should know that chicken soups like all meat, fish and mushroom, you can not give those who have metabolic disorders, urolithiasis, or gout deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint shell. These people can only have vegetarian soups, however, and in these cases they can not eat sorrel and vegetables, which a lot of substances that can provoke exacerbation of the disease.