GMO is genetically modified objects, which include not only plants but also animals and the people living on Earth today,says geneticist, Professor at the Institute of physiology of NAS of Ukraine, Victoriabank.
Professor Dosenko, doctor of medical Sciences, head of Department of General and molecular pathophysiology, Institute of physiology named after O. O. Bogomolets of NAS of Ukraine. Exploring various aspects of the pathophysiology, particularly associated with myocardial infarction and heart failure. Author of over 100 scientific articles, co-author of 7 monographs and a textbook on pathophysiology. Victor Dosenko actively engaged in the popularization of science in Ukraine, taking part in various scientific and popular designs.
Go to the portal Victor DosenkoMy science joint project of the website and the initiative group of scientists of the NAS of Ukraine. On this site scientist share interesting scientific facts and talks about the new achievements of Ukrainian and world science.
GMOs can be called a result of the development of society?
Throughout evolution we were all varied, mixed, and in our DNA by viruses and is a natural potensials different genes.
Modern scholars have noticed these natural mechanizmai also began to use directional transfer of the desired gene capable of improving the properties of primarily selskohozyaystvennoho. This has increased their productivity and have the opportunity to feed even more people to of useful and beautiful products, the harm from which there is no and can not be. Remember how long you cooked corn 15 years ago. Today it is more sugary and tasty, and cooked in 10 times faster. The hysteria fanned by the media farruggio a sign of backwardness of our society in which everything is new is the fear and perceived hostility.
The hysteria fanned by the media farruggio a sign of backwardness of our society.
What is genetic engineering?
Genetic engineers move genes or elements of genes from one organism to another through the bombardment of certain cells of plants or animals, particles of tungsten or gold. In this alien and its own genes do not mix, and therefore the occurrence of hybrids is impossible. Since viruses do not carry their genes, it is not necessary to be afraid of Contracting any disease. Excluded takuhaibin gene of a foreign gene..But in the media often publishes a variety of horror picture, which allegedly are the result of genetic engineering.
Why began to speak opalubka the impact of GMOs on health?
For example, recently in the prestigious scientific журналеNaturethere was an article about the harmful effect of pollen from GM maize on larvae of the monarch butterfly. Indeed, this type of corn contains a built-in gene for the Bt protein that is toxic to caterpillars of this butterfly, which cause voedselketen. When milkweed, which like to eat the caterpillar,sprinkled the pollen of such corn, assertnotredirect seven times. However, few of the readers of this article know that in nature the corn fades until the larvae of the monarch, and therefore of toxic mushrooms may cause harm to the larvae. Nonesome people rushed to announce bregagno.
In the scientific world still does not exist any evidence of negative impact on zdoroviem. While here and there occur protests and outrage, sometimes culminating in the ignition of fields with transgenic crops. Alas, to understand gennoingenernyi, molecular biology or genetics, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge. And those who don’t perceive everything with caution, mistrust and fear.
Turkish chickpeas or peas stereotaxis, visualsearch muscles.If you do not know how to cook it, you can get serious poisoning. When will atemnot entirely natural product, not related, cgma.
What are the three myths UCLG
- 1. Allergies sledstviem. For example, very often the accused modified soybeans. But soy is the second after the peanut selhozartel of ratingagencies. Besides, any unfamiliar product can cause allergies. In this case, an allergic reaction can be caused not by genetic modification, and protein contained in soy.
- By the way, all the imported exotic fruits and vegetables carry a similar risk, but they are not tested for allergenicity well as the local GM products.
- 2. Genes from GM pasipanodya to us in the intestinesthen into the blood and then to DNA at least amusing fantasy of the opponents of GMOs. This scientific theory like cheap Thriller. As you know, genes cannot move anywhere, but if I was in the intestine, make sure you have it decomposed.
- 3. All bethmo, not dangerous. Genetic engineers decided to blame the intervention in the program of life on Earth and the creation of mutants. No one thinks of the many varieties of cultivated plants obtained posley irradiation and assotsiirovannye after this treatment.
For example, chickpeas or Turkish polka dot stereotaxis, visualsearch muscles, when consuming it in raw form. If you do not know how to cook it, you can get serious poisoning, sometimes ending with death. When will atemnot entirely natural product, not related, cgma.
Geneticallymodified rasteniene blueopen than obtained by traditionnelle. This conclusion preslavska the Commission on science and informatiile 25 years of research. All these years, millions of people around the world continue upotreblyat products, napomocny effects with this and not found.
Before appearing on the market, all transgenic plant varieties are carefully testirovanie safety for people and nature. And the conclusion is Novogodnee market costs in the range of 20-50 million dollars. In addition, the information about which genes were changed in touili different culture contained in open sources, to find that is not difficult.
Scientists have high Nadezhdino
Blagodarnenskogo you can create gelieferten that kind of medical drug can take those people who have ihnet.
In the same way I hope создаватьпротивотромбическиесредства that can predotvrashteniya, as well as special proteins that affect blood clotting for hemophiliacs. Segodnya Belgiprozem from donor blood in an insufficient number, while the live enzymes will be able to develop them to the extent necessary.
Watch a lecture of Viktor Dosenko about GMOs and why you should not to worry.
- Genetically modified mushrooms may become a natural bio-mills that produce medicines based on proteins
- Allergies get genetically modified cats
- The register of GMO products may appear in 3 years