Dangerous lack of: Surprising symptoms tell you that you Magnesium is missing

Magnesium deficiency not only makes the calf muscles cramp, but also the heart. And that is dangerous. Therefore, it is important to know also the little-known symptoms of the defect. You should pay attention to.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for our health. Magnesium acts as an energy booster, is involved in bone metabolism, glucose utilization, the control of blood pressure and especially on the nervous and muscular work.

Suboptimal magnesium supply, widely used

Our body needs about 350 milligrams a day, women a little less, the men a little more. Even nursing mothers have a higher need. The mineral the body cannot make itself but are stored in the bone, 20 to 25 grams. So supply fluctuations and short-term deficit can be compensated.

In fact, many people have suboptimal magnesium supply. Many nutritional experts believe that the official recommendation is too low for an active and demanding life style.

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Of these symptoms, you recognize too Little Magnesium. The least are generally known:

Muscle twitching and cramps:

If all of a sudden the Lid twitches uncontrollably, disturbed the Interplay of nerves and muscles. This often happens in situations of stress, because then the body to produce increased Magnesium and also right back out.

Magnesium deficiency increases the excitability of muscles and nerves. The result is a cramp. Cross-country skiers, where the power runs out, stretch those cramps. Uncomfortable and painful also night cramps, which can Rob many women of sleep.

Flu-Like Symptoms:

Among the first warning signs of a deficiency of appetite, dizziness, Nausea, fatigue, and weakness – symptoms that can have many causes, for example, a flu-like infection. Then the symptoms would have to be overcome but after a week. You to keep, it is worth looking at the supply of Magnesium and, possibly, a blood test at the doctor.

Numbness and tingling:

If somewhere in the body, numbness, occur, or also a recurring tingling sensation, this indicates a lack of nerve function. Also a poor supply of Magnesium could be to blame.

Headaches and migraines:

Magnesium reduces the excitability of the nerves and relaxes the vascular tone. This may make headache patients. For migraine prophylaxis, significantly higher doses are necessary than in the usual food supplements. Not without medical consultation experiment. In the case of an Overdose, it it comes in addition to Nausea and vomiting, especially suffer the kidneys.

Heart problems:

The heart, as our most important muscle, and in the “Around-the-clock working mode” active, especially a lot of Magnesium. Low magnesium levels are involved, therefore, in the case of many heart problems, high blood pressure to sudden cardiac death.

The mineral is missing, the heartbeat can be grass again and again or it even comes to rhythm disturbances. Also, the stroke risk increases in case of poor magnesium supply.

If someone takes Magnesium for the support of a regular heart beat, can also lead to the Discontinuation of the preparation to arrhythmias.

Nervousness and irritability:

Who is constantly under power and of restlessness fulfilled, you should think of magnesium deficiency. Because of The minerals regulated, the Appeal forwarding of the nerves. In the case of a defect, the stimulus is set the threshold down. Even small stimuli are sufficient for a significant neural response.

Mental Change:

Magnesium deficiency slows down the brain activity. The consequence of this forgetfulness, concentration disorders to disorders of consciousness. Confusion, Irritation and emotional stress out of the clear blue sky are also a possible result of magnesium deficiency. If such situations repeat, you must check with a doctor the cause.

To remedy the Magnesium deficit: better nutrition

If you feel such symptoms, of course, can grab a dietary Supplement. The corresponding tablets cover a 300 – to 400-milligram daily dose. The Surplus that the body can not utilize, they are eliminated. Magnesium supplements are available in different bindings. A particularly good Bio-availability of magnesium citrate provides, therefore, bound to citric acid.

But it is also useful, once the diet with magnesium-rich foods to enrich: dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, almonds and nuts, whole-grain bread, bananas, yogurt, and even chocolate (cocoa!) deliver a lot of Magnesium and allow a varied diet. May be the symptoms disappear, then permanently.