Coffee helps against skin problems

Regular consumption of coffee reduces inflammation of the epidermis, established Chinese scientists from the University of Qingdao. There is evidence that coffee can be very helpful with this unpleasant skin defect as rosacea.

In rosacea there is damage to the epidermis due to changes in the condition of the blood vessels that are caused by inflammation. Vessels the skin dilate and redden, it gives unpleasant aesthetic effect and can greatly damage a person’s life.

The researchers stated that “regular consumption of coffee reduces symptoms of rosacea”. In particular, according to them, the healing effect in this respect give three to four standard cups of coffee per day. In this case, coffee can act on the skin as an anti-inflammatory cream deep action, experts say.

The beneficial effects of coffee on skin with rosacea was confirmed by the study data, more than 82 thousand women. Experts believe that the anti-inflammatory effect on unhealthy skin has caffeine. Interestingly, the influence of other sources of caffeine (tea, chocolate) for rosacea were identified.

Earlier Magicforum wrote foods that can replace medicines.