A fruit that prevents the skin from aging

To protect the skin from premature lines and wrinkles, eat mangoes. That this fruit is effective against aging, have seen researchers from Korea Institute of Oriental medicine.

South Korean scientists urge people after the age of onset of 30 years, regularly in the morning to eat one mango – is, in their opinion, is a great way to maintain youthfulness of appearance. According to the data obtained by them, mango protects skin cells from the loss of collagen, the protein structure, whose a sufficient amount of provides the skin with qualities such as smoothness and elasticity. According to lead study author Vivian Pham, two mangoes a day will help you look much younger than their years.

“Women, daily eat a mango a day, after three weeks the skin becomes more elastic, better retains moisture, and takutanuva less susceptible to the harmful effects of UV rays,” – said the expert.
Also mangoes are useful when problems with the nervous system: they contain lots of vitamin B6, which gives a soothing effect in stressful situations. In addition, mango improves metabolism, and helps solve the problem of constipation. All of this also favorably affects the condition of the exterior.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what kind of products, conversely, accelerate the appearance of wrinkles on the face.