4 best home remedies from skin allergies

Experts have called 4 home remedies that quickly and effectively relieve skin allergies. They are worth a try if you for some reason do not want to use traditional medicines.

Itching and skin inflammation quickly remove the baking soda. For making medicinal paste dilute with soda water in the ratio one to three. Add this mixture daily on the damaged areas of the skin, leaving it there for about 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Similarly, baking soda can be mixed with coconut oil.

Good effect in the treatment of skin allergies gives raw organic Apple cider vinegar is another great home remedy. It contains acetic acid, contributing to the fight against allergic manifestations. Blot the vinegar with a cotton ball and apply them to damaged areas of the skin.

Oats is considered as one the ideal anti-Allergy medicine that are used for these purposes for centuries. One to two cups of high-quality first-class oats, you need to pour in warm water. Obtained the medicine regularly rinse the skin affected by eczema.

Good effect gives Extra Virgin olive oil, which is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. It softens the skin and reduces symptoms of pruritus. RUB this olive oil with honey the skin several times a day until, until complete recovery. For greater effect in the solution can also add a little turmeric. (READ MORE)