Towhich of the popular hygienic habits of modern people more harmful than helpful? Experts in the field of hygiene found the answer to this question. According to their data, people are constantly drawn to the enhanced cleansing of the skin and body, but this persistence in establishing their purity and fails.
In particular, one of the undesirable habits for the care of the body, scientists believe regular use of antimicrobial gels for hands. In recent times, such gels became extremely popular – to their aid resorted to, not being able to routinely wash their hands. But experts say the constant use of gels for the hands can have negative effects on the skin, leaving it dry, changing the natural bacterial composition on the surface and thereby making it prone to damage. In addition, they often have additional substances – specifically, triclosan, appreciate science as dangerous for a number of reasons for the body substance.
Also rather harmful than useful, experts believe habit of brushing their teeth immediately after eating – it reinforces the effects of dietary acids on tooth enamel and destroys it rapidly. Also with a similar habit involves lowering the level of phosphorus in the body.
In addition to unsafe hygiene habits, scientists have attributed the continuous use hard washcloths, and daily washing in hot water with soap and beauty scrubs. Such a cleansing, experts recommend to use not more than once or twice a week. Overzealous washing strips the skin’s inherent protective barrier and them most weakens the immune system.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the seven best products to prolong the youth.