26 Sep celebrate the world day of contraception. This date was established in 2007 on the initiative of the medical organizations who care about reproductive health.
Contraception day is dedicated to all people of reproductive age. The purpose of the events dedicated to this date to reduce the high level of unplanned pregnancies to a expecting a baby was desired. This is especially true of young people aged 15-25 years who need a broader knowledge on the topic of contraception.
Conscious beremennostey to date term that refers to the right of each couple to consciously choose the time for such an important step as the birth of a baby.
On this day in the world, there are educational activities in schools, charity events, open thematic portals.
Likar.info launched webinar on contraception.
Securerom GYN Alla Mikolyuk understand the current trends of safe sex.
See also: SPETSPROEKT. What happens in the body during love? We are excited and want to kiss why not all?
Let’s see how to choose one suitable form of contraception and how to avoid misfires.
- 20% of pregnant women have abortions
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