In September the nature generously shares with tasty and healthy gifts, and it is a wonderful period in order to allow your body to fully essential vitamins and minerals.
In particular, one of the best fall foods to boost immunity scientists believe a pumpkin. According to them, men pumpkin brings particular benefits associated with what this vegetable strengthens prostate health and women consume a pumpkin is useful because it protects against diseases of the breast.
Also in September must have apples – their use makes stronger the immune defense of the organism, improves digestion, cleans out toxins. Another “Golden” product of September is the melons. The use of water-melons and melons will increase the body’s resistance to infections and will not suffer from depression, have a positive effect on the brain, heart and blood vessels, and also kidneys.
In addition, September is fertile, seconds lovers of the grape. The use of its berries is good for asthmatics, helps to prevent thrombosis, struggling with diseases of the liver, rejuvenates the skin.
We strongly recommend doctors to use the rose hips, which they value as essential berry for the immune system. Being an excellent source of vitamins, organic acids and essential oils, rosehips will also be very useful in hypertension.
Another berry that prevails in September, sea buckthorn. Its use strengthens eye health, cardio-sosudistoi digestive system, and improves the quality of sleep, experts say.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the healing properties of ginger, which is confirmed in scientific experiments.