5 simple tips to help sleep better

Research, observation and practice of doctors of sleep show that the danger of sleep disorders is often underestimated. Meanwhile, with them with age faced by virtually all people. In some cases non-drug measures.

In particular, there is experimental evidence that rejection night clothes and naked sleep help to fall asleep faster and make sleep more strong. With this freedom from stereotypes, the skin breathes better, and the body acquires a lower temperature and promotes sleep.

Also the quality of sleep you should not eat before bedtime alcohol. Scientific studies confirm that even small doses of alcohol reduce the phase of deep sleep.

Scientists say that the healthiest sleep is typical of people who have the habit to sleep before midnight. In addition, it is very helpful to keep a diary. It turns out that the complex, when the hand writes, while the man pours out on paper obsessive thoughts and anxiety – a good anti-stress effect that relaxes and helps sleep better.

If you have trouble sleeping, think, not too much caffeine you consume. At the same time try not to use the second half of the day, any food and beverages containing caffeine.

Of great importance is, in what position you usually sleep. Most useful, where the body gets maximum relaxation, is considered a pose on the back.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what a hot bath effectively treats depressive condition.