High growth increases the risk of cancer

Tall people at higher risk of cancer, because they simply have more cells in the body. For every additional 10 cm taller than average risk of tumours is increased by 12%.

A new study found that people with high growth have increased risk of cancer. On average, it increases by 10% in excess of average height 10 cm. the Researchers believe that high growth increases the likelihood of cancer in women 12%, men 9%. The authors of the study believe this is due to the large number of cells in the body. And the more cells, the greater the likelihood that they will begin to divide and mutate that causes swelling.

But some kinds of dwarfism, as it turns out, significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Research suggests that stimulating the growth hormone called IGF-1 exerts its effects in the development of cancer. This hormone accelerates the rate of cell division as their growth, it also increases the likelihood that these cells will turn into tumors. Researchers from the University of California riverside repelled by the average height of men is 175 cm and average height of women in 162 see They estimated the likelihood of 23 types of cancer growth. Women most often high growth increased the likelihood of developing thyroid tumors, skin, colon, ovarian, uterine, breast, and lymphoma.

Men have high growth provoked a thyroid tumor, skin, colon, bile duct, kidney and Central nervous system, and lymphomas. While high growth did not increase the likelihood of tumors of the esophagus, stomach, oral cavity or cervix. (READ MORE)