Methods of contraception for women of all ages

The contents

Methods of contraception for women from 16 to 25 years

Methods of contraception for women from 25 to 38 years old

Methods of contraception for women from 38 to 45 years old

Methods of contraception for women from 45 years

Since then, as there were so-called “rational contraceptives“, the woman can unilaterally schedule the time for the assault of the career ladder, and pregnancy and maternity. A woman’s age, of course, has a different hormonal status, and depend on what contraception should use the modern lady.

How to make the right choice in the variety of means of protection from unwanted pregnancy? How to give preference to a particular age, what contraception is best not to use and what protection measures should not use? To these and other questions will find answers in this article Magicforum.

Methods of contraception for women from 16 to 25 years

This age is characterized as the “heyday” of the female body when a girl becomes a young woman and a young woman. The figure becomes over form, and the hormonal storm in the body and encourage the growing sexuality of women of this age to finding the perfect partner. Communication with different sexual partners is fraught with the occurrence of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. The relationship that the snake became stable, establish harmony.

Some contraceptive methods to be popular in the age of 16-25 years? Gynecologists and specialists in family planning recommend the following contraceptive options:

condoms – they become an obstacle not only for the nimble of sperm, but also genital infections. Protection level is enough high, and the price is moderately inexpensive.

– spermicides – one of the many chemical methods of protection against unplanned pregnancy. Modern spermicides in addition to the contraceptive effect, also provide protection against a number of sexually transmitted infections. For ease of use they are available in numerous variants. This is a candles and tablets, jellies and candles, creams, toothpaste and tampons. Sell spermicides in any drugstore, the doctor’s prescription is not required. Valid combinations of this with other means of contraception.

– tabletirovanie hormones, which are considered the most reliable contraceptive. If you follow the instructions on their application, their reliability is not less than 97%. In addition, a modern, improved hormonal drugs in addition to the minimum required number of hormones that have a therapeutic effect: they can help balance hormones in the body returns to normal. Acne disappears, which is often faced by teenagers. Hormones must appoint a watching you obstetrician. Drugs “Janine”, “jazz”, “yasmin” and many others, have already found their numerous consumers.

What methods of contraception are not recommended: “safe days” or calendar method, coitus interruptus, douching immediately after it, and “prababushkin” methods, which are passed from mouth to mouth, as “horror stories” in the camp: a piece of soap, aspirin or a slice of lemon, introduced into the vagina. The first of them have an extremely low degree of contraception, and the latter can also cause problems in the urogenital area. As low – cervical erosion you provided. Do you need it?

It is not recommended the use of intrauterine devices (IUD). This is especially true of women who gave birth and those who have a large number of sexual partners. IUD can cause ectopic pregnancy or to penetration of ascending infection into the uterine cavity.

Methods of contraception for women from 25 to 38 years old

Ladies of this age are already fully developed, both physically and spiritually. The desires can be contradictory: on the one hand I want family harmony, loving husband and children, on the other hand, had already received education and high ambitions in terms of career growth. Modern, educated lady doesn’t always want to “put his neck” for his numerous family. Many succumb to the modern trend of child-free and are diverse, sexually, life is not burdened with obligations.

What contraceptive methods to give preference to the age of 25 dot 38 years?

– is still relevant condoms, spermicide (or a combination thereof, as the candle does not always give full guarantee of protection against pregnancy);

combined hormonal agents: mono-, two – or three-phase. And you can pick up them should certainly specialist! After 30 years increases the possibility of blood clots, smokers and women with extra pounds, hypertension or suffering from varicose veins using this method of contraception will automatically become first in the list of contenders for their education.

Ladies under 35 can use a specially designed form of hormonal drugs for this age group and the mini-pill that is free of estrogen. It is able to cause unpleasant physical symptoms – headaches and problems in the gastrointestinal area, feeling of “heaviness” in the chest, insomnia and even depression.

– Will not affect your sexual desire pills “Klajra” patch “Evra”, which will require replacement once a week or subcutaneous implants “Norplant”, the need for replacement which occurs every 3-5 years.

Not recommended planning a pregnancy by surgical abortion, that is abortion.

Methods of contraception for women from 38 to 45 years old

At this age women are still attractive and confident. The grown children do not require constant attention. If the troubles of life, not unsettled, ladies of this age are quite capable of daring sexual experiences. Many ladies do before a successful career at this age is a little slow … or making a break for the birth of the child, than push already hurrying towards the menopause.

Recommended in this age the methods that combine the prevention of pregnancy and drug effect.Combined hormonal drugs either administered after a full examination or advise you to abandon them. If there are no contraindications, appointed by such drugs, which lower the possibility of cancer and fractures that occur after 40-45 years of age due to hormonal imbalance.

Other methods of contraception can be a diaphragm, “the female condom”, and also from the most modern – hormonal injection “Depo-provera”, which are introduced every 3 months.

Drastic contraceptive method can be called sterilization (this method applies to men as well).

Methods of contraception for women from 45 years

Usually after 45 years is the time of the start of menopause. Sexual desire and the ability to orgasm remains in General positive attitude to life. Take incipient changes in the body and learn to live with them on! Otherwise, the depression, followed by other health disorders, you are guaranteed.

Gynecologists advise to continue to protect themselves even a year after the onset of menopause. For this approach all the methods described above, taking into account age-related hormonal changes. Especially recommended at the age of 45 intrauterine system “Mirena”, the contraceptive effect persists, according to recent research up to seven years. From conventional intrauterine devices it differs a productive therapeutic effect due to the metered release of the hormone levonorgestrel. Especially the “Mirena” shows women with age and menopause is observed the appearance of tumors.

Modern medicine does not stand still and many eminent scientists are developing methods of contraception, focusing on a specific age category. Choose the right ways of protection from unwanted pregnancy and then finally deciding on the replenishment of the family won’t have unnecessary problems with women’s health.

Experts have told that the Russians protected “old-fashioned”.