Chemotherapy has stronger for women than for men

Women are more likely to suffer side effects of chemotherapy, including hair loss. To such conclusion came the British and Australian researchers.

Traditional treatment of tumors, accompanied by chemotherapy, that is, the use of powerful medications that are supposed to destroy toxic cells. Unfortunately, often the impact of these drugs on the body is very heavy and is accompanied by strong side effects, including nausea and vomiting, weakness, hair loss, depression and other problems. And now the researchers found that the side effects of chemotherapy in women are more severe than in men. In particular, women are more likely to experience vomiting and hair loss. Their findings are made on the basis of information 1 654 patients, of which 1 328 were men and 326 women.

The analysis showed that nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy face 89% of women and 78% men. Diarrhea was observed in 54% of women and 47% men. Hair loss – 81% of women and only 74% of men. Finally, the ratio of the prevalence of ulcers of the oral cavity accounts for 50% to 41%. Also women frequently observed such complications during chemotherapy, which require hospitalization. Women are more vulnerable to infections due to reduction in number of white blood cells.

But does a greater amount of suffering during chemotherapy less effective treatment? Observations clearly showed that although women suffer from this type of treatment more than men, its efficiency remains the same. However, for men, it a little more patients, which reduces the size of tumors. Scientists say that only begin to understand how genetic and biological differences between men and women affect the development of the Arak and the body’s reaction to his treatment. (READ MORE)