How constantly looking at your phone and the TV could
Scientists ID new metabolic target to prevent, treat heart failure at earliest stage
Researchers with The Ohio State University College of Medicine and
New target for chronic pain relief confirmed by scientists
A research group at Hiroshima University observed a potential new
Scientists are researching a new method for developing artificial ovaries
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) led
Why it’s so difficult for scientists to predict the next outbreak of a dangerous disease
A two-year-old boy in rural Guinea died of Ebola in
Scientists generate functional, transplantable B cells from mice
Functional B-1 cells derived from mouse embryonic stem cells are
Scientists discover an immune clock that controls infections and cardiovascular disease
Researchers at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have
Ebola virus found in bat in West Africa for the first time, scientists say
Scientists suspect a long-fingered bat in Liberia could be carrying
Scientists present an effective drug toxicity prediction method
Researchers from Skoltech (Maxim Fedorov’s group, CDISE) and the German
Living a stronger and longer life: What scientists are learning from worms
Research from the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute has