A fully self-guided treatment using virtual reality (VR) is effective
Prejudice against women in power is greater than we think
People are more prejudiced against women leaders than the statistics
Us vs. them: Understanding the neurobiology of stereotypes: Brain stimulation sheds light on the neurobiology underlying implicit biases
Recent studies into how human beings think about members of
Gene variants raise risk of migraines in African-American children: Effective headache treatments
Pediatric researchers have discovered common gene variants associated with migraines
Diet rich in fried and processed foods linked to increased hypertension in black Americans: Study suggests a change in diet could mitigate increased risk for stroke
New findings suggest that diet is a major contributor for
Is that selfie edited? Why it may matter for women viewers: Perceptions of photo editing affect thin ideal internalization
There’s a surprising upside to the fact that many people
Sample size matters in multisensory integration studies
The accuracy and reproducibility of research studies are a major
A model to predict and quantify racism, sexism, and other unequal treatment: Researchers show direct connection between stereotypes and unequal treatment
When a Starbucks employee recently called the police on two