In an era of concern over “fake news,” a new
Microvascular disease anywhere in the body may be linked to higher risk of leg amputations
Microvascular disease is independently associated with a higher risk of
Super-resolution microscopy illuminates associations between chromosomes
Thanks to super-resolution microscopy, scientists have now been able to
Personalized medicine software vulnerability uncovered: Discovery led researchers to software fix
A weakness in one common open source software for genomic
New, noninvasive test for bowel diseases
Gut diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are increasingly
Scientists find thirdhand smoke affects cells in humans
Thirdhand smoke can damage epithelial cells in the respiratory system
Sugary drink taxes reduce consumption, major review shows
A 10 per cent tax on sugary drinks has cut
New e-tattoo enables accurate, uninterrupted heart monitoring for days
The leading cause of death in Texas is heart disease,
Immune system can slow degenerative eye disease: Complement system appears to be double-edged sword depending on the eye disease
A new study shows that the complement system, part of
Diabetes can be detected in gut of cats
The cat is the only animal, aside from humans and