New findings about a fatal form of blood cancer could
Hole-forming protein may suppress tumor growth: Gasdermin E could be a useful target for improving cancer therapy
Sometimes cells need to die. The process of cell death
Loss of a DNA repair system creates a unique vulnerability in many cancer types: Cancer cells that cannot repair a certain form of DNA mutation become strongly dependent on single enzyme to survive, creating a new potential opportunity for drug development
Cancer cells adapt to potentially fatal mutations and other molecular
Microglia, cells thought restricted to central nervous system, are redefined in new study
Inside the body, disease and injury can leave behind quite
Can a protein in cord blood predict risk of death, cerebral palsy in preterm infants? Researchers find haptoglobin expression linked to newborn outcomes
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have found
Arbitrary categories improve visual learning transfer, study finds
Many brain training games claim to improve mental performance, but
Brain region discovered that only processes spoken, not written words: Study of rare dementia shows selective attack on areas of brain
Patients in a new Northwestern Medicine study were able to
New brain research challenges our understanding of sleep
An international study headed by researchers from Aarhus University has
Genetically encoded sensor isolates hidden leukemic stem cells: Cells express surface markers that help them escape most targeted therapies
All stem cells can multiply, proliferate and differentiate. Because of
When a cell’s ‘fingerprint’ can be a weapon against cancer
A research team led by Nuno Barbosa Morais, group leader