Messenger RNA molecules contain genetic information and thus control the
Directed evolution builds nanoparticles
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to three scientists
Radiation-resistant E. coli evolved in the lab give view into DNA repair
Scientists in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Biochemistry are
How viruses hijack part of your immune system and use it against you
An enzyme intended to prevent autoimmune disease can be hijacked
Fruit fly study challenges theories on evolution and high-carb diets
A single mitochondrial DNA mutation common in animals could play
Infection biology: Staying a step ahead of the game
Unicellular parasites belonging to the genus Trypanosoma cause sleeping sickness
New techniques can detect lyme disease weeks before current tests: Researcher leads team analyzing more exact methods to diagnose the most common tick-borne infection
Researchers have developed techniques to detect Lyme disease bacteria weeks