Last year the star of the series “Sashatanya” actor Andrew Hagolan divorced his wife Diana Ochilboy, who was there when he was ill with cancer. Diana, is still silent about the reasons for parting with the artist, gave an interview in which frankly admitted that Andrew was cheating on her.
The actor himself, speaking about his divorce, which followed just a year after the wedding, noted that the decision on parting he and his wife have been mutual. Diana ochilova after the divorce, only hinted to the subscribers in the Network that Hagolan was the initiator of the breakup. But the other day a young woman became a guest of the TV program “the Stars aligned” and spoke about why actually divorced with her husband-artist.
Diana said that before parting with Andrew, they argued, and she, offended, went to my parents. Despite the incident, the quarrel, the wife of the actor and not assumed that it will receive from the spouse’s offer to divorce – she was sure that this is just a temporary misunderstanding.
However, the actor put up with his wife didn’t want to. On the contrary, have used their fight as a good reason to put an end to the relationship. According to Diana, soon after their conflict, she received the first proof of the infidelity of the actor – his message is addressed to another girl. All this time the couple continued to live separately, communication with wife Andrey never left, didn’t want to talk. Ochilova until recently, hoping that everything will be fine, but her husband intimidated her a message about the intention to divorce.
“He just called me and said, “Dian, you know, we’re getting a divorce,” admitted the ex-wife of actor.
Now Andrew Hagolan is in a new relationship with 26-year-old actress of the Moscow art theatre them. Chekhov Alexandra Oleskevich and admits that he was very happy. Recall that in 2015 Andrew Giulana was diagnosed with lymphoma – a malignant tumor of lymphatic tissue. After several courses of chemotherapy he was able to beat cancer. Throughout the period of illness of the actor have supported Diana ochilova which he represented as his bride. The young people were married in September of 2016, but a year later the marriage broke up.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that David Beckham first made the Frank admission about problems in her marriage.