Doctors should be examined depressive patients in whom the treatment does not work, on apnea. The fact, researchers from the Medical College of Georgia point. Obstructive sleep apnea, such as breathing interruptions during sleep in the subject / language to be named, could hinder the success of the therapy.
The scientists came to the conclusion that the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea can improve the symptoms of Depression, and that a comprehensive examination of sleep problems for treatment-resistant depression is useful. "No one speaks of a obstructive sleep apnea as a possible cause of treatment-resistant Depression in about 50 percent of the patients with severe depressive disorders auftritt", Dr. W. Vaughn McCall, head of the Department of psychiatry and health behavior at the Augusta University.
He hopes " that this will change:;I think before we perform a spinal examination to treatment-resistant Depression, we should machen" rather, an investigation in the sleep laboratory;, so McCall. He noted that many treatment options for depression are far more costly than an investigation in the sleep laboratory.
Before McCall had shown that poor sleep can lead to depression, and that people have a high risk of suicide when they lose hope to ever be able to sleep well.
In addition, the researchers point out that many of the affected patients have the typical risk factors for sleep apnea, such as obesity. The researchers found the diagnosis in 17 of 125 adult patients with severe Depression, insomnia and suicidal thoughts. Usually people with night-time breathing interruptions male, obese, and suffer from drowsiness in the day. Six of the 17 patients with sleep apnea are not met in this study this profile, however.