Second trimester pregnancy often brings the desired relief. Morning sickness usually passes and the child is still not large enough to deliver any inconvenience. However, on the horizon there are new signs of pregnancy.
The body in the second trimester
During the second trimester of pregnancy you may encounter physical changes, including:
- An increase in the abdomen and chest. When the uterus expands to make room for the baby belly begins to grow. Your Breasts will also gradually increase. At this time, it is recommended to wear a bra with the wide straps.
- Braxton Hicks. You may feel light contractions in the abdomen. They often occur after physical activity or sex. Contact your doctor if the contractions become painful or regular. This may be a sign of preterm labor.
- Changes in the skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy stimulate increased pigment cells (melanin) in your skin. As a result, you may notice brown spots on the face (melasma). You can also see a dark line on the belly (linea nigra). These skin changes are common and usually disappear after delivery. However, sun exposure may exacerbate the problem. So, when you go out, use sunscreen. You may also notice a reddish line along the belly, Breasts, buttocks, or thighs (stretch marks). Most of them will eventually become less noticeable. Use your favorite moisturizer will help relieve the accompanying itch.
- Problema with the nose. During pregnancy the hormone level increases and the body increases the amount of blood. This leads to the fact that the mucous membranes swell, leading to congestion and bleeding from the nose. Drops or saline solution may help reduce nasal congestion. In addition, drink plenty of fluids, use a humidifier and lubricate the edges of the nostrils with vaseline to moisturize the skin.
- Dental problems. Pregnancy can cause your gums to become more sensitive, which can lead to slight bleeding during brushing. To rinse with salt water and switching to a softer toothbrush can reduce trauma. Frequent vomiting can affect your tooth enamel and increase the chances of caries formation. Don’t forget to comply with the required oral hygiene.
- Dizziness. Pregnancy causes changes in blood circulation, which can cause dizziness. If you have any problems with the dizziness, drink plenty of fluids, avoid prolonged standing and try to slowly change their position.
- Leg cramps. Leg cramps frequently disturb the night. To prevent them, stretch your muscles before sleep, stay physically active and drink plenty of fluids. Select comfortable shoes. Can also help hot shower, warm bath, ice massage or a relaxing massage muscles.
- Vaginal discharge. You may notice a sticky, clear or white vaginal discharge. This is normal. Contact your doctor if the discharge becomes abundant, have an unpleasant odor, has changed color or are accompanied by pain or itching in the vaginal area. This could indicate vaginal infection.
- A urinary tract infection. Common problem during pregnancy. Contact your doctor if you experience pain when urinating or have a fever. If untreated urinary tract infections can worsen and cause kidney infection.
Emotions second trimester of pregnancy
During the second trimester you may feel less tired and more concerned about the preparation for the appearance of the child. Start searching for a doctor for your child. Read about breastfeeding. If you plan to work after the birth of a child, please see our policy on maternity leave and maternity leave your employer, as well as examine the options of child care.
During this period you may worry about the upcoming birth or parenting. To ease your concerns, learn as much information as possible. Focus on a healthy lifestyle, which will become your baby a good start in life.
Prenatal care
During the second trimester, your prenatal appointments will focus on the growth of the child and identify any health problems. The doctor will begin checking your weight and blood pressure. He or she can measure the size of the uterus, checking the distance from pubic bone to top of uterus (bottom).
At this stage, the interesting moment of your prenatal visits will become your baby’s heartbeat. Your doctor may suggest an ultrasound or other screening tests this trimester. You can also learn the sex of your baby.
Be sure to report any signs or symptoms that bother you. The conversation with the doctor, most likely, will calm your mind.