The essence of body Flex exercises

The contents

How to bring yourself in a good shape.

Exercises bodyflex better than aerobics?

What you need when you exercise bodyflex?

Exercises bodyflex must be present in the modern rhythm of life, which requires women to be both good mothers and successful careerists. And many manage to combine two such responsible posts. But how to carve out a minute in this chart, “home-work-home” on your phone? Magicforum found the answer to this question.

How to bring yourself in a good shape.

After all, loved ones need to please not only internal but also external beauty. The output is simple: Express masks for healthy complexion, healthy nutrition and sport exercises bodyflex. All this takes much time, but is bearing fruit. Although about the last one many women doubt. How can the sport take a little time, not to assume heavy loads, but to bring the result?

Of course, maybe if it is body Flex. The word strangers? Do not worry, in this article I explain in detail what is bodyflex how to do this technique, and what is required from you to achieve the best result.

What is bodyflex: bodyflex exercise

The methodology of the “bodyflex” is proper breathing along with physical exercises. This direction has only recently started to develop in Russia, but it has gained popularity.

Bodyflexdo at home and in fitness clubs under the guidance of professional coaches. Why is this technique so many fans?

– Exercises bodyflex not take much time. To achieve a good enough result to work out regularly for 15-20 minutes.

– Does not require prior physical training, suitable even for beginners.

The first results are visible after a week of regular exercise that allows you to quickly freshen up before important events.

– You get a good physical form for a short time.

– During class worked out the problem areas of the body.

– Bodyflex exercises can be done at home by yourself.

– You have the opportunity to develop: basic exercises, you can continue to add new, more difficult.

Exercises bodyflex better than aerobics?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Each of these has its own pros and cons. However, a number of advantages over aerobic bodyflexstill has.

Aerobics requires more time and costs of physical forces. To achieve results, you will have to jump, run and perform other physical exercise within an hour or two.

And after a workout will feel tired and devastated, at least for the moment until you get used to such loads.

– When performing exercises bodyflex more calories are burned than when the same energy in aerobics. This is important, especially if you need to lose weight in the short term.

So, if you have the desire right now to get your sneakers from the mezzanine, immediately proceed to the exercises bodyflex.

What you need when you exercise bodyflex?

Exercises bodyflex not require any special equipment. You will need comfortable sport clothes and shoes, towel, bottle of water, gym Mat for doing exercises on the floor.

That’s all. Although there is still taking a good mood and fighting spirit. Quite often it depends on the effectiveness of training. To repeat myself: “oxygen burns fat”, and the result will not keep itself waiting long.

To do bodyflex in the morning is best on an empty stomach, because at this time the metabolism better. It means that the body will consume more calories and fats to be broken down faster.

Each exercise should be performed 3 times. Standard training takes approximately 15 minutes.

If you decide to perform the exercises bodyflex yourself, we recommend that you create the right atmosphere at home. Nothing should distract or disturb. For total relaxation background can put relaxing music or nature sounds.

The basic exercises bodyflex

We already talked about the fact that the method bodyflex is based on the combination of proper breathing and exercise.

Breathing technique remains the same in any case, but exercises bodyflex changed depending on what body area you want to reinforce or correct. So, learn to breathe correctly easily. How is it done?

First just breathe in the same rhythm: “inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale”.

– Then make a sharp intake of breath and the same breath with a gasp.

– Pull your stomach, lift the diaphragm as high as possible and hold your breath for 10 seconds.

That’s all. This is the basic breathing technique. Repeat several times to memorize. For 10 seconds when you hold your breath, you need to perform some exercise.

I suggest you to start from a basic level. These exercises bodyflex is designed for problem areas of the female body, which each would like to adjust. So, breathe in, hold your breath and…

– Connect the phalanges; elbows should be positioned parallel to the floor and ceiling. Don’t raise shoulders. Within 10 seconds press a finger at each other. This way you will work the triceps.

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. One hand lift up, and the other put on the waist. Start doing tilts when you hold your breath. This exercise bodyflex suited to women who want to “take sides” and reduce the waist size.

– Do the same exercise, but bend the other way.

– Now work on a flat stomach and pressure. You will need a gym Mat. Lie down on him. Breathe.

On the last exhale before the breath lift the shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, put your hands parallel to the floor and ceiling. Hold your breath for 10 seconds softservices in this position. Ensure that the head is not tipping back. The chin should “look” on his chest.

– Bodyflex exercise for those who are concerned about the so-called “breeches”. Get on all fours. The whole body weight transfer to the left foot, bring right to side and hold in this position for 10 seconds.

– Repeat the same, changing the supporting leg.

These simple exercises bodyflex will allow you to correct your figure and to keep her in good shape without spending much time and effort.

Previously, scientists have described how exercise can help in breast cancer.