The newspaper TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine were made by scientists from Australia and the United States, announced that an aspirin needlessly touted as the elixir of life, protecting against thrombosis. In reality its application can lead to bleeding and premature death, said these experts.
The authors of a new study for the past 5 years tracked the status of more than 19 thousand people aged about 70 years, who had at the beginning of the experiment, no diseases that would require treatment in the form of a prolonged taking aspirin. During testing half of the participants were taking aspirin in an amount of 100 mg per day, while the other half placebo.
This experiment showed that over the five years in the group taking aspirin people there have been more cases of hemorrhages. Among the victims tries hemorrhages steel 361 people per thousand against 265 per thousand in the group who took a placebo. As for deaths, the occurrence of dementia, heart attacks and other cardiovascular disorders, in both groups those acatalasemia equally.
It is believed that acetylsalicylic acid can reduce the formation of platelets in the blood, protects against thrombosis – causes dangerous, even deadly changes in the heart, brain and lungs. After 50 years, people are usually recommended to regularly take aspirin to help prevent vascular failure. But the authors of the new project are convinced that the popular drug can lead elderly people to stroke.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that excessive cleanliness was recognized by scientists as the cause of obesity.